King Arthur

Price: $45.00
Retired - Last One!!!


King & Country

Arthur was a legendary British leader of the late 5th and early 6th Centuries whose exploits are recorded in several medieval histories and romances. In more recent times his story and legend has been moved up several hundred years and his appearance (and that of his Knights) is portrayed as much more typical of the 12th and 13th Centuries.
Even in the 21st Century Arthur’s legend burns brightly thanks to and books of all descriptions.
This King Arthur stands proudly...sword in one hand pointing to the centre, his crowned helmet in his other hand and a fierce but fair expression on his bearded face.

With the story of King Arthur, his Knights and that very famous “Round Table” it’s exceedingly hard to separate mystery, myth and legend from the few known facts that are available. So, K&C has carefully picked through all of this information and selected what they think is a fair and balanced representation of one of the most famous stories in British history. Collectors can decide for themselves whether they’ve succeeded in capturing the spirit and essence of these legendary figures from the Age of Chivalry...

Table, chairs and additional figures are for scale purposes only.