Egyptian/Syrian RPG7 Team

Price: $89.00


King & Country

The RPG-7 is a man-portable, reusable, shoulder-launched, anti-tank rocket-propelled grenade launcher. Its ruggedness, simplicity, low cost and effectiveness made it a perfect weapon for Third World militaries and insurgents. In use since the early 1960’s it was widely deployed during the SIX-DAY WAR by the Arab armies, with mixed results. Usually operated by a 2-man team with one soldier carrying and operating the launcher itself while the other carries extra rockets and a rifle.
This set shows the team in action.

During the tumultuous upheavals of the June War of 1967 the majority of the enemy troops fighting the Israelis were Egyptian and Syrian. Here are the first opposition for the Israeli paratroopers.
As you can see, virtually all their weaponry was supplied by the Warsaw Pact countries and the Soviets. Russian-style helmets were also much in evidence. Uniforms and other personal equipment however were mostly made in the Middle East with a motley mixture of boots, shoes and sandals worn. Although possessing much modern weaponry the Egyptian and Syrian soldiers suffered from woefully inept leadership at all levels of the military; inadequate training and, importantly, a lack of initiative. Put all of that together and you have all the makings of a great military disaster.
Although individual Arab soldiers fought bravely they could not overcome the inbuilt deficiencies of their own military systems. Especially against an opposition that was skillful, well-trained and highly-motivated!