As I write this latest “DISPATCHES” the Chicago Show” is just over two weeks away. Looking out of my room in K&C HQ I can see my brother Gordon putting the “finishing touches” to a massive 6 foot by 2 foot diorama model of “The Battle of Crete 1941” featuring our latest K&C Fallschirmjagers. This particular display will, I hope be one of four large diorama models we are taking to the Show.


Anyway… let’s get down to business and bring you up to date with our latest and upcoming releases…



A. “Britain’s Private Desert Warriors”

EA017 “Major David Stirling

Originally a Scots Guards officer the tall Stirling came up with the concept of small, fast moving, self supporting groups of soldiers creating death and destruction where the enemy least expected it...Behind their own front lines. Stirling wanted his men to use the desert...often under cover of darkness to strike fast and then withdraw as rapidly as they had arrived!



EA018 “The Watchers”

Another major role of both the SAS and LRDG was to observe and report on enemy positions and troop movements. These could then be “radioed” back to HQ for analysis or...action. As one of this 2-man set observes the enemy through his binos the other observes the landscape around them.


EA019 “The Imposter”

Among both the SAS and LRDG were fluent German-speaking refugees from Europe. Here one of them pulls on the uniform of a captured Afrika Korps soldier whilst his mate keeps his rifle trained on the prisoner. Perhaps the German “Imposter” is going to misdirect an enemy convoy or enter an Axis camp...the plot thickens


EA020 “The Attackers”

Sometimes action speaks louder than words...Two of our “Free-lancers” prepare to take on the enemy.


EA021 “On Guard”

Here, is the “classic” SAS headdress...British tropical uniform...full beard and “Tommy Gun” at the ready.


EA022 “SAS Mortar Team”

While an attack is about to go in these two SAS Mortarmen prepare to lay down a little diversion for the enemy.


EA023 “LRDG 30cwt. Chevrolet Uncamouflaged

The “Classic” image of the Long Range Desert Group is the 30cwt. Chevrolet Truck...In the beginning these were bought from the Egyptian branch of General Motors and customized by LRDG men themselves. Mounted with an eclectic array of weapons — each patrol commander decided on what he required — the trucks were kitted out with extra supplies, fuel and ammunition for forays into the desert that might last several weeks.

EA023 comes in plain “sand” finish and mounts two machine guns...a Bren and a Lewis Gun. A crew of three in a motley variety of British, New Zealand and Arab headdress and uniform complete the set.


EA024 “LRDG 30cwt. Chevrolet Camouflaged”

Another “Chevy”, this time partly camouflaged with a pale sky blue pattern on basic “sand” colour. This vehicle mounts a Boyes anti tank rifle on the rear and also carries a “Bren” just in case…

Three crew accompany the vehicle and like EA023 wear the typical assortment of uniform and head gear much favoured by the Long Range Desert Group.


Special Note: Most LRDG patrols consisted of at least two (and usually three) vehicles. US made Jeeps were also incorporated into these patrols as they became available.


EA025 “The SAS Recce Jeep”

The favourite mode of transport for the SAS was the Jeep, albeit heavily armed, and ready for any trouble that might come their way.


Special Note: As previously stated in last month’s “DISPATCHES”… EA024 “The LRDG 30 cwt. Chevrolet Truck (Camouflaged Version)” will not be available until Mid-October


EA023, EA025 – Available in Mid-September


B. “Afrika Korps Heavy Metal”

AK038Sturmgeschutz III (AK version)

When we announced the release of our FoB Stug we received more than a few requests for a “Desert” version. Well, here it is, complete with our 2 tank crew in AK uniform. A great little model!


Availability: Mid-September


C. “Earlier Desert Conflicts…”

The long-awaited and eagerly anticipated new “Crusaders & Saracens” are finally ready. Colourful and dramatic these latest Medieval Desert Warriors are sure to be popular with collectors…


MK043 “Mounted Saracen with Lance down”

MK044 “Mounted Saracen w/Lance up”


MK045 “Saracen Standard Bearer”

A simply stunning, mounted flag-bearer of Saladin’s own bodyguard regiment.


MK046 “Knight w/Axe”


MK047 “Man-At-Arms w/Dagger”


MK048 “Mounted Attacking Crusader w/Sword”


MK049 “Mounted charging Crusader w/Lance”


MK050 “Gruesome Trophy Set”

            A victorious Saracen and an unfortunate Crusader opponent.


            MK051 “Fight to the Death”


            MK052 “The Bishop of Tours

A superb study of another fighting man-of-the-church and finally, the “piece de resistance”


            MK053 “Richard The Lionheart

A magnificent mounted portrait of the English monarch most closely associated with the Crusades and Crusaders. Here, he charges into battle fearing nothing but his God…


Availability: Mid-September



A. “Additional LRDG Chevy”

As promised in part 1 of “DISPATCHES” the second of our two LRDG 30 cwt Chevrolet Trucks will be available with its 3-man crew by Mid-October.

Look out for it!


B. “1914… Action Germans!”

Following the very successful launch of our First World War German infantry we are pleased to announce the next batch of 13th Bavarian Rifle Regiment figure… this time they are up to theirPickelhaubes in action. Although still attacking they’re beginning to take casualties 11 different “action” figures in ten releases… One set only comprises 2 soldiers…

All the others are “singles”.


FW014 “Standing Firing Rifleman”


FW015 “Kneeling Firing Rifleman”


FW016 “Charging w/Rifle and Bayonet”


FW017 “Running w/Rifle and Bugle”


FW018Officer w/Pistol”


FW019 “German Machine Gun Set”

A lying prone machine gunner “mans” his Maxim gum. A kneeling gun commander with binos directs fire.


FW020 “Shot German”

An enemy bullet finds its mark!


FW021 “Dead German”


FW022 “Standing Loading Rifleman”


FW023 “Kneeling Loading Rifleman”


Availability: Mid-October



XM007-01 “Christmas Truce 1914”

As is our custom now, every Christmas we release a “special” set with a Festive theme relating to one of our different series. This year, 2007, with the release of the “1914” First World War range we felt we should remember the unique “cease-fire” that took place on Christmas Day 1914 when British and German soldiers organized an “unofficial” cessation of hostilities to celebrate the birth of Christ. Meeting in “No-Man’s-Land” the opposing troops exchanged simple gifts… shared each other’s drinks and rations and played a soccer match!

Here is our scene… Father Christmas distributes gifts to a German “Fritz” and a Scottish “Jock” who, for a few short hours, enjoy the peace and quiet of Christmas day. Just 650 of these very special sets are being produced… order yours today!


Availability: Mid-October



Another K&C custom at this time of the year is to release our latest “Winter” Germans and GI’s for our Battle of The Bulge” series… This year is no different… Here’s the latest.


BBG010 “Ski Troopers”

Two superb German infantry mounted on skis heading into battle… could be “The Ardennes… could be the frozen wastes of the “Eastern Front”… the choice is yours.


BBG011 “Command Group”

One great-coated German officer reports to his superior on the tactical situation…


BBG012 “Radio Group”

Two mountain troopers make their way through the winter snow… One listening intently to his back-pack radio.


BBG013 “Mountain Troopers”

Another excellent 2-man set of Mountain Troopers… one carrying his skis the other with an ice pick.


BBG014 “Snow Patrol”

Four camouflaged and partially camouflaged infantry trudge through the winter-clad countryside…


Note: Prices of these new BBG sets will be available later.



Sometimes some of you complain that we don’t retire items often enough. Well, I hope the following list satisfies a few (at least) of our benevolent critics…



BBG001 “Grille S.P Gun Set”


BBG005 “The Hetzer SP Tank Set”


B. “D.DAY ‘44”

DD049 “Weapons Carrier & Trailer”


The entire King’s German Legion series…

NA069 King's German Legion - Officer w/ Sword”



NA070 King's German Legion - Sergeant Looking”



NA071 “King's German Legion - Standing Firing”



NA072 King's German Legion - Kneeling Firing”



NA073 King's German Legion - Kneeling Loading”



NA074 King's German Legion - Moving Forward”



NA075 King's German Legion – Skirmisher”



NA076 King's German Legion - With Ramrod”


        D. “ROMANS”

RO016-RE Standing Centurion”


RO027-RE Walking w/Spear”


RO035-RE Archer ready to fire”


RO036-RE Archer firing bow”


RO037-RE Archer reaching for arrow”


        E. “BERLIN’38”

LAH040 The New Hitler Staff Car”



Both the delightful (and useful) SP017 “French Farmhouse” and its companion piece… SP018 “Farm Coutyard are being retired also.

Both these great sets are amazingly useful for all kinds of displays and all kinds of eras… Rev. War… Napoleonic… First and Second World War to name but a few.



WS040 “Marching Infantry”

4 typical “Early War” marching Wehrmacht Infantry of the “Blitzkrieg” era.



And that ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls is, as they that…

As usual, all of us at K&C very much appreciate your business and will continue to do our best to give you the best at…the best possible price in the best possible time.


Best personal wishes and…great sales!


Andy C. Neilson

Co-founder & Creative Director