Hi Guys,

Well, life is back to normal… or what passes for normal these days. I’ve been up to China more than a few times since the last “DISPATCHES”… visiting a new factory… meeting (several times) with our sculpting team and attending a major trade fair looking out for more ideas… fresh contacts and additional suppliers.

I’m always amazed at how some of our competitors who also manufacture in China seldom (if ever) visit their factories in the People’s Republic. Oh well I suppose that’s one of our major K&C advantages living and working in China itself. Personally I (and our team) love it!

Anyway down to business…



As virtually every dedicated K&C collector and dealer already knows our new ARNHEM series “Operation Market Garden” is being launched this month. As we previewed this big batch of “first releases” in last month’s “DISPATCHES” none of these sets of groups and individual pieces should come as a surprise. However, for the record, I strongly believe in this series and hope you will too. For any of you who are diorama makers these new pieces offer a wealth of poses that can suit many different stages of the battle. If you need any more inspiration get a copy of the DVD version of “A Bridge Too Far”

            So, here’s a look again at what is available this November…


MG001 “The Recce Jeep”

A two-man set sitting in a very well-armed jeep… a pair of twin Lewis guns plus a Bren gun and a whole host of fuel, ammo and supplies make this particular jeep set a “must-have”. An additional feature of all of these newARNHEM sets is that each paratrooper is actually “named”. Manning this recce jeep are

(driver) Lance Corporal Tony Neville and (gunner) Sergeant Jack Edwards.


MG003 “Walking Wounded”

Perhaps this 2-man set should be better titled “Carrying Wounded”… here Corporal Frank Townsend shoulders a seriously wounded Private Arthur Coates to an aid station.


MG004 “The Scout”

A crouching Lance Corporal Pete Robinson keeps a careful eye out for the enemy… Sten gun at the ready.


MG005 “Patrol Leader”

Private John Young silently signals a “halt” to his mates.


MG006 “Walking Rifleman”

Working the bolt of his Lee Enfield rifle Private Bill Luke moves forward.


MG007 “Pointing NCO”

Staff Sergeant Dave Hull gives direction to his men.


MG008 “Kneeling Rifleman”

Down on one knee Lance Corporal John Ross readies himself for action…


MG009 “Kneeling Firing Rifleman”

Private Eddie Davies takes careful aim with his .303 Lee Enfield.


MG010 “Walking Radioman”

Headset in place… Sten gun held ready… Lance Corporal Robert Thompson advances to the front.


MG011 “Lieutenant with Sten Gun”

Lieutenant Jack Bromley a para platoon leader moves forward.


MG012 “Standing Firing Sten Gun”

Private Dan Maclean fires a burst from his Sten.


MG013 “Lying Firing Bren Gun”

Using a couple of handy sand bags to steady his Bren, Private Keith Caldicott provides covering fire for his fellow paratroopers.


MG014 “Kneeling with Umbrella”

Inspired by a character in the movie “A Bridge Too Far”, Major Harry Pope nonchalantly observes the enemy positions.


MG015 “Advance to contact”

Three airborne men edge cautiously forward-- Glider Pilot Sergeant Chris Hopwood… Corporal Pete Foster with the Bren gun and… Private Eric Stanley clutching his Sten.


MG016 “Major General Roy Urquhart”

A superb standing study of the commander of the British 1st Airborne Division during the ill-fated Arnhem operation. In the movie, a fellow Scot, Sean Connery portrayed Roy Urquhart.


Availability: Early November


        1B. Preview of December’s “Operation Market Garden”

            A “sneak peek” at the rest of our “ARNHEM” figures.


MG002 “Airborne Jeep & Trailer”


        MG017Para with Mortar Bombs”


        MG018 “Manning The Piat


MG019 “Airborne 6 pounder Anti Tank Gun Set”


            Plus 3 more “single” Paras.


            MG020 “Kneeling Firing Sten Gun”


            MG021 “Lying Firing Sten Gun”


            MG022 “Lying Firing Rifleman”


Availability: The additional Jeep Set MG002 will be ready by early December.

The rest of the sets by the middle of the month.



To be fair November is not only about ARNHEM and the British Airborne traditionally (at least for the last couple of years) it’s the time when we release our winter Germans and GI’s for the Ardennnes campaign. This year is no exception…


BBG009 “The Raupen Schlepper

This great looking little tracked transport has been on our “must-do” list for a while. Well, here it is… painted in terrific looking white washed camo finish the vehicle has a detachable rear canopyfull cab interior detaildrivera little ammo trailer and a “winter” NCO pointing out directions. Great set! Great value! It will look excellent with the already released “winter” German figures.


Availability: Mid November


2B. And now for the YANKS!

We can’t and must not ignore our American Allies at winter time. Here’s the latest batch of GI’s toughing it out in the snow…


BBA019 “M5 High Speed Tractor”

This is one of K&C’s more unusual fighting vehicles… The M5 was used to haul heavy artillery such as the 155mm gun and the US Heavy Howitzer and other big loads.

Our model has a light dusting of snow and frost to give it that genuinely cold “winter feel”. It also has three full-bodied figures with it… a driver… a sitting vehicle commander manning the .50 cal. machine gun and a standing G1 giving directions.


Special Display Note: At the recent Chicago Show I picked up “21st Century’s” great looking 155mm gun and their heavy howitzer. Both artillery pieces are excellent quality and value and look great being “towed” behind our M5… Check out our photos!


BBA020 “Winter Command Group”

A nice little 2-man set comprising a kneeling radio operator and an officer kneeling firing carbine.


BBA021 “Winter Bazooka Team”

Another 2-man set… here the “bazooka” man takes careful aim at an approaching enemy tank. His number two loads one of their rockets.


BBA022 “Walking Wounded”

One GI supports his wounded buddy carrying both their M1 Garands at the same time.


BBA023 “Winter Sniper Team”

A lying prone NCO ‘spots’ for his sniper. The sniper is using the specially adapted ’03 Springfield with scope.

        BBA024 “Real MP”

Unlike our earlier “winter MPs” (who where actually Germans in disguise BBA004) this guy is the real McCoy!


BBA025 “Moving Up The Line”

A 2-man, heavily laden .30 Cal. machine gun team are pushed forward by their officer. (3-man set)


Availability: Late November



      A)    Well, the balance of our “Operation Market Garden” releases for a start… Some very important and valuable “add-ons” to November’s first batch of British Paras. So, one, two, three… jump! Jump back to paragraph 1B of this “DISPATCHES”.


B)      “The British Expeditionary Force 1914”

After the initial success of our First World War Germans it was essential that we introduce a “fighting enemy” for them… and here they are… soldiers of the “King’s Own Scottish Borderers” — one of Scotland’s most famous Lowland regiments. The KOSBiesas they were nicknamed formed part of the original B.E.F. sent over to France within days of war being declared. They took part in much of the fighting that attempted to delay and halt the massive German assault through Belgium and northern France in August 1914.

These new figures are in a wide range of useful “action” poses and, I believe, will be very popular. Being “Lowland Scots” they do not wear the traditional kilt (although some officers did wear tartan trews). The men are easily recognized by their distinctive Scottish “Glengarries” (with the colourful dicing band).


FW024 “Field Marshal Sir John French”

The original commander of the B.E.F at this early stage of the war


FW025 “KOSB Officer with Map”

An officer of the regiment attached to the General Staff… see the staff armband.


FW026 “Kneeling Firing Rifle”


FW027 “Standing Firing Rifle”


FW028 “Sergeant Standing Ready”


FW029 “Lying Loading Rifle”


FW030 “Lying Firing Rifle”


FW031 “Battlefield First Aid”

A kneeling Medical Orderly administers first aid to a seriously wounded KOSBie.


FW032 “Pointing Subaltem


FW033 “Vickers Machine Gun Set”

At the beginning of the Great War each infantry battalion was assigned eight Vickers Machine Guns. Here, a seated gunner is ably assisted by his “loader”.


Availability: Early December



With the growing popularity of our Afrika Korps and 8th Army series we decided to make our Christmas“Strictly Limited” release something which could be a focal point for North African Campaign collectors…


AK039 (SL) “The Tunisian Tiger”

This is our 7th different Tiger in just over 10 years… and it’s the best yet!

This brand-new model is not only the best… it’s also the biggest and earliest type of Tiger K&C has ever produced. We have produced the “classic” early version of this armoured monster that fought in Tunisia towards the end of the Desert War.

This K&C model comes with a complete 5-man crew… 3 of which are full body. Our fighting vehicle is in the markings of 501 Panzer Abteilung as it would have appeared in February 1943.

Just 1,250 of this unique model are being produced. Order yours now!


Availability: Early December




HK165 “The New Chess Players Set”

A young girl and an old man contemplate a game of Chinese Chess. The detail on their blue and white ceramic stools is particularly fine!


Availability: Early December


            4. BEING RETIRED…

As per usual there’s a few of our older pieces that are being retired to the “Toy Soldier Happy Hunting Ground”.

            And here they are….



These are Woodland Warriors” and would go very well with other French/Indian War figures and scenarios.

BR042 “Advancing Indian with Rifle”

BR043 “Indian Ready with Rifle”

BR044 “Kneeling Indian with Rifle”

BR045 “Indian Firing Bow”

BR046 “Indian Firing Rifle”

BR047 “Take No Prisoners!”


D. DAY ‘44

Two of our beach-scene US Rangers…

DD047 “On The Beach” set A

DD048 “On The Beach” set B


        “Streets of Old Hong Kong

One of our nicest and cutest Chinese buildings.

        HK074 “The Chinese Pagoda”



And here’s a few assorted Napoleonic era soldiers moving out…

NA025 “Mounted Chasseur a Cheval”

NA026 “Mounted Napoleon & Mameluke Servant”

NA037 “Black Watch Sergeant w/Pike”

NA038 “Black Watch Officer”


            And finally WOLRD WAR TWO GERMANS

        WS066 “Anti Tank Gun Set”



And that ladies and gentlemen… boys and girls is… that! As usual very best wishes!


Andy C. Neilson

Co-founder & Creative Director