MARCH 2009


By the time most of your read this myself and the K&C team of Helen and Patrick will be “winging” our way to Los Angeles for the annual WestCoasterone of two big U.S. events in our show calendar.

This show is great fun and the perfect destination for collectors from all over California and all points West!

K&C will have a whole big bunch of brother Gordon’s latest dioramas on display showing off our newest (and a couple of upcoming) releases.

If, as they say, you are in the neighborhood drop by the Irvine Marriott Hotel (near John Wayre Airport) and say hello!

Now, let’s get down to basics….



A. “The Latest FIELDS of BATTLE

FoB040Austin K2 Ambulance”

Following the great success of our “Desert” version of this vehicle we had many requests for an European olive green one… and here it is…

Painted in standard British Army olive drab this particular “Katy” is in the markings of the 3rd. Infantry Division which fought in both the Fall of France in 1940 and the Normandy Invasion in 1944. Our “Katy” is suitable for both kinds of displays.


FoB041 “Stretcher Party”

Two soldiers carry a wounded “Tommy” out of the frontline and on to the nearest First Aid Station… perfect to go with the K2.

Also note Stretcher Bearers were armed… unlike medics.


FoB045 “French Motorcycle Combo”

A great little set… and very unique… Two French Poilus take a momentary rest in between delivering important dispatches from Headquarters to the troops in the field.


Now available!


B. “Boots “n” Saddles”

It’s often forgotten that the US Cavalry was fighting Indians well before the Civil War… books, television and the movies have always tended to focus on the Indian Wars of the 1860’s and 70’s.

King & Country’s newest series is throwing the spotlight on the earlier struggle before the outbreak of the Civil War… This first small release is just a “taste” of what’s in store… with three mounted U.S. Dragoons confronting a five-man Commanche raiding party… Take a look!


TRW001 “Mounted Dragoon w/Rifle”


TRW002 “Mounted Dragoon w/Guidon”


TRW003 “Mounted Dragoon w/Sword”


TRW004 “Mounted Wolf's Head w/Shield & Lance”


TRW005 “Warrior Defending”


TRW006 “Warrior Attacking”


TRW007 “Warrior w/ Knife”


TRW008 “Warrior w/ Musket”


Now available!


C. “Streets of Old Hong Kong
HK173 “New Sedan Chair Set”

This is the 5th.brand-new version of an old favourite and, I hope, the best one yet!


Now available!


D. “1917… The Battle of Cambrai

K&C’s earlier foray into the First World War focused on the opening battles of 1914. This new release moves forward three years into the dark days of 1917.

Countless British and French attacks came to grief in front of the German trenches and machines guns all along the Western Front which stretched from the Swiss border to the English Channel. A new way forward had to be found… and by 1917 that way had appeared with the appearance a year earlier of the first tanks!

K&C’s latest “Great War” release portrays one of these “combined arms” assaults on the German front lines...

Our first releases are all British…


FW040 “Advancing Officer”

A young British officer, pistol in one hand… walking stick in the other leads his men forward.


FW041 “Kneeling Firing”


FW042 “Standing Firing”


FW043 “Kneeling Ready”


FW044 “Attack!”

A sergeant, rifle and bayonet in hand, charges forward with two other riflemen in support.


FW045 “Dead Casualty”

Here’s one unfortunate lad who won’t be going home to Blighty!


FW046 “Wounded”

Carrying his wounded mate over his shoulder this Tommy might just win a medal… if he survives the deadly German machine guns.


FW047 “Grenadier”

This corporal used to bowl for his village cricket team… here he’s bowling a “Mills Bomb” at the Huns!


FW048 “Lewis Gunner”

Lying prove behind some sand bags this Lance Corporal provides covering fire for the advancing troops.


FW049 “British Mk.IV Heavy Tank”

A superb model of the most produced tank of the Great War. Armed with both cannon and machine guns this metal monster terrified the enemy and provided much needed close fire support for the “PBI”… the “Poor Bloody Infantry”. Our K&C model is in the markings of “Cavalier” one of “C” Squadron’s vehicles of the newly formed Royal Tank Regiment.




E. “Remember The Alamo!”

Our latest additions… six new figures… 3 Mexican Soldadosand 3 new “defenders”.


RTA043 “Lying Wounded Texian


RTA044 “Dead Mexican Soldier”


RTA045 “Kneeling Firing Defender”


RTA046 “Loading Mexican Soldier”


RTA047 “Fighting Duo III”





Amazing April sees 2 major releases of figures… one for “FIELDS of BATTLE and the other for the “DESERT WAR” First the FoB


A. “Victory In The West!”

The British have evacuated their army at DunkirkBelgium and Holland have fallen… the French Army and Government are retreating and… Paris is an “open city”.

June 14, 1940, the first long columns of German troops enter the French capitol. Around the Arc de Triomple… down the Champs d’ Elysées the jackbooted soldiers march. They are tired… weary… but triumphant. K&C captures the moment perfectly.


FoB054Generalfeldmarschall Erich von Manstein

Generalfeldmarschall Erich von Manstein takes the salute mounted on his favourite steed “Tambour”.


FoB055 “German Mounted Adjutant”

Captain Helmut Eckhardt, Manstein’s Adjutant, accompanies his General.


FoB056Wehrmacht Mounted Officer”

This infantry colonel proudly leads his men past the reviewing officers.


FoB057Wehrmacht Officer Marching”

This officer returns the General’s salute… army style!


FoB058Wehrmacht Rifleman”

Still wearing the full battle-order this soldaten is weary but happy his battle is over… for a time.


FoB059Wehrmacht Bugler”


FoB060 “Winning The Knight’s Cross”

A superb little 2-man vignette… As the young infantry officer stands stiffly to attention a General fastens the ribbon of the Knight’s Cross around his neck.


As the Battle of France was coming to a close another battle was about to begin… “The Battle of Britain”.


FoB061 “For You Fritz The War Is Over!”

When the Luftwaffe began to attack the British Isles they also began to suffer much greater losses… thanks to the young fighter pilots of the Royal Air Force.


Here, a young, arrogant Luftwaffe airman has had his aircraft shot down… over Southern England.


In this little scene he is closely guarded by an old Army Veteran now in the uniform of the “Home Guard”… Dad’s Army… Standing, notebook in hand, a typical unarmed British “Bobby” is taking down details of the captured pilot… A great little 3-man set… Sorry, though, you need to find your own crashed German aircraft.





In August 1942, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill paid a surprise visit to see the men of the Eighth Army fighting in North Africa.

During his trip Churchill inspected many different units of Britain’s Desert Army and met with the newly appointed Commanding General Bernard Montgomery better known as “Monty”.

Churchill liked what he saw… there was a renewed fighting spirit in the men and in Montgomery they had a leader, at long last, who exuded confidence and ability. In a few short months the Eighth Army under Montgomery would defeat Erwin Rommel and his Afrika Korps at a little known Egyptian railhead called… El Alamein.

These new figures commemorate that historic visit and honour the men of the Desert Army.


EA026 “Pipes & Drums”

K&C’s first all-new pipe band in 12 years! This twelve-piece group comprises 1x Drum Major, 1x Pipe Major, 3x pipers, 1x big drummer, 2x bass drums and 4 side drummers of the Black Watch, the senior Highland Regiment.

All our band are in “shirt-sleeve” parade order and are wearing the “Royal Stewart” kilts for the pipers and the “Government Black Watch” tartan for the remainder.

Additional pipers and drummers are available as “singles” to increase your band or as individual figures.


EA031(SL) “Churchill & His Generals”

Our latest “Strictly Limited” and a truly unique offering…

Here, the great man himself is perched on the rear of an 8th. Army Humber Staff Car giving his famous 2 finger “V for Victory” salute.

Alongside him are Chief of the Imperial General Staff… Field Marshal Alan Brooke, Churchill’s loyal ally and military supremo.

In front of them is the 8th.Army’s General Montgomery… Driving the vehicle is a Corps of Military Police sergeant.

Just 999 of this great Churchill set are being produced and it is sure to be popular not only with toy soldier collectors but also “Churchilliana” enthusiasts!


On parade for the Prime Ministers’ inspection are the following…


EA032 “Saluting Scottish Officer”

An officer of the Gordon Highlanders, swagger stick under one arm, salutes Churchill.


EA033 “Gordon Highlander Presenting Arms”


EA034 “Saluting Gurkha Officer”


EA035Gurkha Rifleman Standing at Attention”


EA036 “Sikh Regiment Marching Officer”


EA037 “Sikh Rifleman Marching”


EA038 “Coldstream Guards Sergeant”


EA039 “Coldstream Guardsman Shoulder Arms”




Special Divisional Note:

Our new Pipes & Drums and Gordon Highlanders are from the famous 51st. Highland Division.

K&C’s Gurkhas and Sikhs are from the 4th. Indian Division.

And our Guardsmen are from the Guards Brigade of the 78th. Division.



Another big bunch of goodies… and remember we’re only doing this to make way for even more new stuff…


“Fields of Battle

FoB003Poilu Presenting Arms”

FoB004Poilu Marching”

FoB015 “French Officer w/Flag”

FoB016 “French Soldier Standing Ready”

FoB017 “French Soldier Kneeling Firing”

FoB018 “French Soldier Machine Gunner”

FoB021Wehrmacht Officer w/Binos


“Operation Market Garden”

MG003 “Walking Wounded”

MG004 “The Scout”

MG005 “Patrol Leader”

MG006 “Walking Rifleman”

MG007 “Pointing NCO”

MG008 “Kneeling Rifleman”

MG009 “Kneeling Firing Rifleman”



NA112 “Wounded Flagbearer”

NA113 “Charging Trumpeter”

NA115 “Falling Off Horse”

NA120 “Dead Cuirassier”

NA122 “Standing Cuirassier w/Saddle”

NA135 “CG Dead Guardsman”


Waffen SS”

WS034Feldmarschal Erwin Rommel”

WS035 “Adolf Hitler”

WS102Normandy Kübelwagen



And that’s that… for another month… Hope we’ll see some of you at the WestCoaster… until then…all the best!!!


Andy C. Neilson

Co-founder & Creative Director

King & Country