King & Country


MARCH 2005



By the time you get this month’s DISPATCHES, I should already be in Los Angeles attending this year’s “WESTCOASTER”.

Along with the OTSN Show in Chicago every September, this is my favourite U.S. Show. Although considerably smaller than its midwestern counterpart, the LA show is always great fun to take part in.  The show venue at the Irvine Marriott is perfect and Bob Fisher and his gang always do their level best to assist dealers, traders and collectors alike.

Although I no longer sell at these shows – I let you guys do that – I like to take along samples of brand-new items that are about to be released in the next few months.  This year I’m bringing painted samples of our BERLIN 1945” series of Russian Red Army… Germans… Fighting Vehicles (T.34/85; KING TIGER; PUMA Assualt Vehicle) plus at least one of our bombed-out Berlin ruined buildings.  In addition, I’ll be showing WestCoaster dealers and collectors our latest Woodland Indians and other new figures.

Chicago and LA are very special shows to me.  I get to personally meet and talk with K&C dealers and collectors often on a “one-to-one” basis.  It’s an incredibly valuable opportunity and really does have an influence on what we produce and when we produce it.  I can’t wait to get there.  AROUND THE WORLD IN 19 DAYS!

After LA, it’s down to Cabo in Mexico to meet up with K&C’s co-founder, business partner (and ex-wife) Laura, together with K&C UK’s Bob Neville (who is also attending the LA show).  We’ll be discussing lots of new ideas and strategies for the coming 12 months, mostly involving UK’s rapidly expanding business as well as the Hong Kong headquarters future direction.

After 4 days in Mexico, it’s up to New York for a weekend of K&C celebrations with about 15 top King & Country collectors from all over North America.  This gathering is being hosted by major US collector Louis Badolato who some of you will know.  Louis is an old friend of many years standing who has one of the largest and most extensive K&C collections in the world.  Now, don’t be offended if you’re not invited – it’s a collectors only gathering – no dealers.

I also hope to attend a New Jersey Show on Sunday 13 March.  That evening I fly to Paris to meet our #1 French dealer Frederic of “Toy Solders Paris.  Fred has done an amazing job of publicising and selling K&C in the French market.  According to him, K&C outsells the combined sales of Britains; Frontline; East of India; Conte and Forward March, so that can’t be bad.  I’m also meeting with some well-known publishing companies while I’m there.

After Paris, it’s London for the “Toy Soldier Experience” Show on Saturday 19 March organized and run by K&C UK’s Mike and Bob Neville.  This is going to be fun.  K&C UK have organized a whole host of WW2 reenactors – German, Russian and American to portray some of K&C’s very own miniatures in the “FALL OF BERLIN and BATTLE OF THE BULGE”.  Among many other attractions, we’ll have a real U.S. Jeep with GI Military Police directing traffic – but are they really American or Germans pretending to be?

      The following day I’m off to Hong Kong and… back to real work!

      Now down to business…






“OK Marines Let’s get the hell outta here!” Dept.

                  For once, the stocks arrived early – all of the new IWO JIMA sets – four sets of figures… plus the Amtrac and the “Chi-Ha” Jap tank are ready and waiting to ship out.  First reports from dealers who have already got theirs is excellent.  Our marines have landed, expanded their bridgehead and are rapidly moving inland!  Don’t get left behind grab‘em while you can.

                  Bill Moore, our Chicago dealer did a show a couple of days ago and sold two complete sets (12 sets) to just one K&C collector!


2.     SO WHAT’S NEW?

The long-awaited American Revolution British Forces are about to be released this month March – probably towards the end.  As well as Redcoats, there’s our first Woodland Indians to accompany them.

Now that’s the good news… the not-so-good news is that the particular factory producing them can only manage to get a portion of our order to us.  That means in fairness to everyone, that we will get you some of your order but, alas, not all of it.

I know it’s a familiar story to you by now – demand outstripping capacity.  One part of the problem is that we are committed to releasing our Fall of Berlin series over April, May and June this year.

We know BERLIN is going to be HUGE just by dealer response alone, we’ve had to switch some extra capacity to BERLIN and consequently some “add-on” series have had to temporarily suffer.

          We will continue however to seek out additional factories wherever quality and price are compatible.  Many thanks for your patience and understanding.  Here, though, is a list of the new Rev. War Brits and Indians…

BR33                       Mounted General Cornwallis

BR34                       Marching Officer w/ Sword

BR35                       Marching Officer w/ Union Flag

BR36                       Marching Officer w/ Regimental Flag

BR37                       Shouting Sergeant w/ Rifle

BR38                       Marching Drummer / Fifer

BR39                       Advancing w/ Rifle & Bayonet

BR40                       Marching w/ Rifle Ready

BR41                       Kneeling Firing Rifle

BR42                       Advancing Indian w/ Rifle

BR43                       Indian Ready w/ Rifle

BR44                       Kneeling Indian w/ Rifle

BR45                       Indian Firing Bow

BR46                       Indian Firing Rifle

BR47                       “Take No Prisoners!”

All of our British Forces, with the exception of the mounted General Cornwallis are from a non-specific British Line Regiment – that’s why they have George III’s Royal Cypher on their back packs and flags.

Our Woodland Indians are something else – no two are alike and some even sport red coats themselves (gifts not trophies).  BR47 is especially interesting … an Indian with a club prepares to deliver the “coup de grace” to a helpless Colonial infantryman.  Gruesome yes but realistic and authentic… definitely.







Many of you will already have seen the advance promotional material on this epic new World War Two series.  It’s going to be a biggie… no less than 17 sets of soldiers… fighting vehicles… and diorama set pieces.

Here’s what it’s all about…

WS63 “The Defenders  Two SS troopers join up with two Volksgrenadiers” – one of the SS men has a captured Russian machine pistol… the other looks to his rear.  Meanwhile one Volksgrenadier prepares to throw his “potato-masher” while his fellow sniper takes careful aim.

WS64 “The Russians Are Coming!”  A Volksturm officer with his MP44 leads a mixed group of Volksgrenadier” (with schmeisser) and another with rifle and grenade.  The fourth Volksturm is nearvously kneeling, rifle in one hand… grenade in the other.

WS65 “The Last Stand  This little group of Waffen SS men know the Russians are unlikely to take them prisoner! An SS officer pistol in hand tries to support a wounded comrade.  Another kneeling SS trooper with a captured PPsH M.1941 sub-machine-gun and a dismounted SS tanker with his Schmeisser ready complete the set.

WS66 “ Anti-Tank Gun Set”  Two Volksgrenadiers man a small 37mm Anti-Tank Gun Specially modified to fire the Panzerfaust rocket.  Another kneeling Grenadier is shoulder-firing the same weapon.

WS67 “King Tiger  This is the one literally hundreds (may be thousands) of K&C collectors have been anxiously waiting for… the mighty KING TIGER.  The most powerful tank of World War Two comes complete with a typical late war paint finish (and rust stains) plus three visible tank crew.  Our “Porsche” turret version is simply the largest fighting vehicle K&C has produced and is sure to be even more popular than Michael Wittman’s last Tiger.  As usual, the model is full of character and makes a great Berlin (or Battle of the Bulge) centerpiece.

WS68 “Puma Armoured Car  This is an unusual one – the 8-wheel armoured assault vehicle upgunned with a short-barrel 75mm gun.  Our model is again in a late-war camo finish and comes with two standing SS crew figures.

SP14 “Berlin Tenement” Again, lots of K&C dealers and collectors have been requesting diorama pieces to set off their figures and vehicles.  Well now they are here!  Our 3-storey tenement comes in 7 easy to assemble pieces that when complete look awesome.  Fully painted with the same expert battle-worn finish as our fighting vehicles figures come alive when placed next to it or even inside it.  No other toy soldier company even comes close with the realism and authenticity building accessories like this provide.

SP15 “ Reich Chancellery Gateway”  Another Berlin ruin – this façade-style structure shows a shell and bullet pocked frontage to one of Hitler’s main entrance ways to his Reich Chancellery.  The enormous German Eagle above the doorway has been blasted in two and lies in part on the steps.  The huge doors themselves have been blown open – the enemy is already at the gates!

SP16 “Reich Chancellery Annex  The perfect companion piece to the gateway.  Again, two Reich Chancellery windows stand forlornly open framed by a battle scarred outer wall.  This piece has been specially designed to flank the Reich Chancellery Gateway on the left and right, thus forming an extended façade frontage and dramatic backdrop to any “Fall of Berlin scene.

RA08 “Attack!”  Led by a wary sergeant, this 4-man Red Army patrol make their way forward towards the hated fascist beasts.  With their ubiquitous PPsH sub-machine-guns, Russian troops boasted formidable fire power in any fire fight.

RA09 “Tank Riders”  Because motor transport was extremely rare in the Red Army, most front-line troops rode into battle on top of their tanks and other armoured vehicles.  This four-man group is led by an NCO carrying the Soviet flag complete with hammer and sickle.

RA10 “Anti-Tank Gun Set  Three Red Army artillerymen man their small anti-tank gun – the gun itself is a Russian adaptation of an earlier German model.


RA11 “Support Set  Providing covering fire for the assault is this little group.  Lying prone our gunner fire his belt-fed M1910 Maxim Machine Gun.  Kneeling behind him an expert sniper picks off enemy officers.  Two fur-hatted Russian soldiers (one an NCO) complete the set.

RA12 “Captured!”  Two Germans have had the misforture to fall into the hands of a couple of NKVD (Soviet Secret Police) officers.  The standing Volksturm medic may be lucky and be spared for a Russian prison camp in Siberia.  The kneeling Waffen SS trooper is unlikely to endure the same fate.  Summary Soviet justice is about to be served…

RA13 “T34/85 Tank  Even the Germans admired the simple, robust T34 tank.  Our model is upgunned with the 85mm tank gun.  In addition, it has been “field-adapted” with old iron bedframes to act as anti-panzerfaust screens.  Two Russian crew figures fill out the set.

RA14 “Katyusha Rocket Launcher  One of Russian’s great “War Winners” – The Katyusha or “Stalin’s Organs” was a dreaded rocket launch vehicle that was much used by the Russians and much feared by the Germans.  Our model, in the fixed-firing mode, comes with a Berlin road sign and a great Red Army soldier celebrating Berlin’s destruction with a few bottles of Brandy and his accordion.

RA15 “Traffic controller  Finally, there is this solo figure – based on a great illustration in Blandford Books’ Army Uniforms of World War 2.  This single female Military Police woman, flags in hand, expertly guides tanks and vehicles on their way to the front.

AVAILABILITY:                     All the GERMAN sets should start arriving in late April/early May

The RED ARMY is scheduled for late May/early June delivery



(A)               Imperial Chinese Army… The Silk Road… and SOOHK sets HK098; HK099; HK100.  All of the above are being retired – However both the Imperial Chinese Army and The Silk Road are going to be re-designed, re-sculpted and re-issued at a later date.

(B)                Still available but in very limited numbers are the following:-

(i)                  FJ02 Fallschirmjager – “The Attackers”

(ii)                RN01 Naval Officer Saluting

(iii)               RN02 Petty Officer with Whistle

GHO Gordon Highlander Officer

GHSM Gordon Highlander Sergeant Major with Rifle (Marching)

Get them now, these days there is always someone on Ebay looking out for older or retired K&C items!


In the meantime best wishes to every one and … great sales!




Andy C. Neilson

Co-founder and Creative Director