Well a New Year is upon us… and none of us (me included) are entirely sure what this 2009 will bring…

So, let’s suffice to say it will, I am sure, be challenging. In all meanings of that word!

Before we dive into January and February’s releases a big word of thanks to certain important people back in Europe. To Mike, Sue and Tony Neville of K&C UK a hearty congratulations on a superb London December show… All of us were expecting a quieter event than usual and hoped sales would at least equal last year’s record… Well K&C sales actually rose almost 25% and attendance was the same as the previous December show. As the pundits say… “Go figure”.

After London it was off to Paris and meeting up with Frederic Genard (our French National Distributor). Fred, as usual, hosted a terrific K&C evening at Toy Soldier Paris that was much enjoyed by all.

From Paris we flew to Rome to join Stefano Allorini who has just been appointed K&C’s National Distributor for Italy. An all-too short visit included a special lunch and evening get together with K&C collectors from all over Italy at the excellent Italian Army Officer’s Club in Rome.

Although my Italian is non-existent I did have a very pretty translator to explain my Scottish accent and help answer lots of questions!

K&C’s next overseas expedition will be the Annual WestCoaster Show at the Irvine Marriott in California in early March.

Before then however we need to let you know what’s up… and coming!



A.         “ACHTUNG KOMET!”

And here it is… K&C’s first “Strictly Limited” German jet fighter…


LW004 (SL)Messerschmitt 163 “KOMET”

When we announced this “SL” (just 750 being produced) model they were snapped up by dealers and collectors in less than 36 hours!

The Luftwaffe’s first operational jet fighter… It was an aircraft of last resort which only flew once the Allied bomber streams were already battering “The Third Reich”. Its performance was, quite literally, explosive! Its revolutionary jet engine made it dangerous and unpredictable. But, when it worked it truly was a sight to behold streaking upwards at incredible speed unable to be caught by Allied fighters.

K&C’s polystone and metal model comes complete with a pilot and ground wheels plus a small towing tractor vehicle with a Luftwaffe Ground Crewman.

The aircraft is in the markings of JG 400 and painted to represent a typical Komet during late 1944/early 1945.

*Click photo to see multiple views


LW005 “Luftwaffe Ground Crew Set”

Two Air Force mechanics that can fit into any German airfield scene… very useful.


LW006 “Ground Crewman with Bomb”

Another mechanic… toolkit in one hand… shouldering a 50kg bomb.


LW007 “Luftwaffe-Helferin

In addition to clerical tasks these female members of the Luftwaffe performed meteorological work… radar control… searchlight duties… parachute packing.

Some were even employed as mechanics and a few as ferry pilots.




B.         “Coming In On A Wing And A Prayer”

Two of the Luftwaffe’s opposition and the first of our 8th. Air Force releases (a lot more to come later)


AF001 “USAAF Fighter Pilot”

Wearing his “50 Mission Cap” with pride this young fighter jock looks pretty confident… And he looks great standing alongside a P51… a P38… or a powerful P47!

*Click photo to see multiple views


AF002 “USAAF Pilot with Map”

Another Army Air Corps pilot happy to be back on the ground again... or perhaps ready to take off on a little escort duty over Germany.

*Click photo to see multiple views


SPECIAL NOTE: More USAAF pilots, ground crew, personalities and military police are already in the works. Look out for them in upcoming DISPATCHES.


Available NOW!


C.         “Vive L’ Empereur!”

From the air war over Europe in WW2 to the fields of Europe in the early 19th. Century… A whole new Cavalry regiment and… a couple of useful additions.

Following a decree of 13 September 1810 the Dutch “Regiment de Hussards de la Garde a Cheval du Roi became the 2nd. Regiment of Lancers of the Guard of Napoleon. Easily recognized by their red tunics the regiment became quickly known simply as “The Red Lancers”.

K&C’s latest Napoleonic Cavalry regiment is also one of its most colourful and… versatile with no less than 9 different poses available… parade and action!


NA159 “Dutch Lancer on Walking Horse A”



NA160 “Dutch Lancer on Walking Horse B”


NA161 “Charging Dutch Lancer”


NA162 “Dutch Lancer Bugler”


NA163 “Dutch Lancer Officer”

The mounted “parade” version.


NA164 “Dutch Lancer General”

A superb character study of Gen. Edouard de Colbert… a great fighting officer. Colbert commanded the combined Guard Lancers regiments at Waterloo. He is wearing the dress uniform of the Regiment and was the eldest of three brothers who all became Generals in Bonaparte’s Army.


NA165 “Dutch Lancer Preparing to Charge”


NA166 “Galloping Dutch Lancer”


NA167 “Charging Lancer Officer”

The “action” version of NA163.


And now a couple of useful additions…


NA168 “Scots Grey Officer”

Lamentably when we released our original Scots Greys we forgot to have an officer! Well, here he is… a member of the landed gentry… ready for battle!!!


NA169 “Black Watch Standing to Repel”

Another late addition to our Black Watch enthusiasts. Sorry, better later than never!!!


Available NOW!


D.        “Streets of Old Hong Kong

HK172 “Happy Family”

A proud father admires his young newly-born young son as his wife looks on.




2. COMING NEXT MONTH…February’09

A.         “The Revolution Starts Here!”

Or… to be more precise it begins again with K&C’s release of a whole big batch of new “1776 American Revolution” figures and… a cannon!

These new sculpts and paint jobs show no less than 10 different infantrymen of the Rhode Island Regiment going into action. Along with them is a mounted Officer and a great cannon set with an additional dismounted Artillery Officer. Take a look


AR059 “Marching with Rifle”


AR060 “Standing with Rifle”


AR061 “Kneeling Firing”

AR062 “Standing Firing”

AR063 “Advancing”


AR064 “Charging”


AR065 “Standing Flag Bearer”


AR066 “Sergeant with Rifle Marching”


AR067 “Mounted Officer”


AR068 “Cannon Set”

A sturdy field piece is well-served by three Continental artillerymen.

AR069 “Artillery Officer”

Observing the action and issuing orders.


AR070 “Drummer

A young musician wearing the “reverse facings” of his Regiment beats out the orders.

AR071 “Attacking”

AVAILABILITY: Early February


B. From the fields and towns of eighteenth century Colonial America

it’s off again to the fields and villages of war-torn Europe during the latter half of the Second World War…


WS125 “German Panhard Armoured Car”

During WW2 the German War Machine made full use of captured enemy weapons… equipment and vehicles… Here we see one such example… the French-made Panhard Armoured Car.

Following the Battle of France in May and June 1940 large numbers of these machines fell into German hands. These in turn were given the minimum of adaptations (but usually some improvements) quickly repainted and reissued to German units.

This new model, in typical 2-tone camouflage, has been handed over to the infamous “Das Reich” 2nd SS Division just prior to the Normandy invasion.

The vehicle comes with 2 crew figures.

*Click photo to see multiple views


Every army needs its leaders and the German Army had some of the best…!

WS126Normandy” Rommel

Germany’s most famous and most respected… Feldmarschall Erwin Rommelthe Desert Fox.

Here, however he is far from the burning sands of North Africa… he is inspecting beach defences on Hitler’s vaunted Festung Europa (Fortress Europe). Dressed in his General’s great coat and carrying his Marshall’s baton he strides purposely forward…


WS127 “General Oberst Heinz Guderian

The “master and teacher” of Panzer Warfare, Guderian often fell foul of the Fuhrer because of his forthright opinions and decisions. This figure shows him wearing typical black Panzer uniform which he wore when inspecting his tank forces.


WS128 “General Oberst Eduard Dietl

The commander of the 20th.Mountain ArmyDietl was himself a skilled climber pre war and… a devoted Nazi. In this piece he is wearing the leggings and ski cap of a typical Mountaineer. He was killed in an aircrash in 1944.


WS129 “General Leutnant Fritz Bayerlein

Commander of the famous “Panzer Lehr” Division before and during the Battle of Normandy. Prior to this he had been Rommel’s very capable Chief-of-Staff in the Afrika Korps. The perfect figure to accompany his old boss on an inspection tour of the Normandy defences.


WS130 “German Guard Box”

From one end (the top) of the military spectrum to the other… the humble guard box. Seen and used everywhere this brand-new, 3 colour version can be utilized in a whole host of situations and locations.


AVAILABILITY: Early February


3. “On the Retired List”

As per usual another little list of goodies, oldies and not so oldies heading off into sunset…


Battle Of The Bulge”

BBG002 “Winter Patrol”

BBG003 “Winter Tank Riders”


“D. Day’44”

DD046 “D-Day Paratrooper Set”


“Streets Of Old Hong Kong

HK135 “Stonemason Set”


“Imperial Collection”

IC022 “Wang Zhaojun

IC023Diao Chan”

IC024 “Xi Shi”

IC025 “Yang Guifei

IC028 “Crime & Punishment”


“Sands of Iwo Jima

IWJ019 “Flag Raising Set”

IWJ020 “Return Fire”

IWJ021 “Running for Cover”

IWJ022 “Courage Under Fire”

IWJ023 “The Amtrack Set”



WS050 “Foot Patrol”

WS051 “MG42 Gun Group”

WS053 “Sitting Sergeant & 2 Riflemen”

WS054 “3-seated Riflemen”




And, once more my friends, we come to the end of this month’s “DISPATCHES”… A few nice little surprises I hope and something to keep at least some of our K&C collectors happy…


A Happy New Year to you and yours and here’s to 2009!

Andy C. Neilson

Co-founder & Creative Director

King & Country