I’m actually writing this month’s “DISPATCHES” on Thursday 17th.of September… Tomorrow afternoon we fly out (Helen, Patrick and me) to San Francisco and a weekend with the good folks at Sierra Toy Soldiers and their all-new store in the very heart of Los Gatos, California. Then on Monday and it’s off to Chicago where Gordon will join us on Tuesday.

So the next 3 1/2 weeks will be a bit of a whirlwind and I thought I better sit down and write “DISPATCHES” here in HK before, as they say, “going on the road”. So, here goes…




The response to the announcement of this new series in last month’s “DISPATCHES” was simply awesome! We sold out of our first 400 Hawker Hurricanes in less than 24 hours!!!

And, it seems, most collectors who want a Hurricane also want the add-on “personality” pilots and ground crew as well. That’s wonderful news for K&C and just goes to show the potential popularity of Air Force themed subjects… And, before you ask there’s a lot more already in the pipeline… British (Spitfire and Typhoon), American (P51B and P47 Thunderbolt) and, of course, German (Me109, FW190 and JU87 “Stuka”) to name but a few plus assorted diorama accessories, vehicles and figures! And a few surprises…

For the moment though there are these great “start-up” sets and figures…


RAF001 “Air Chief Marshall Sir Hugh Dowding

The head of Fighter Command and the leading architect of the RAF’s victory over the Luftwaffe. K&C’s figure shows him in a typical pose paying a visit to one of his front line squadrons during the Battle.


RAF002 “Squadron Leader Douglas Bader”

A flying legend in the RAF. Bader lost both legs in a pre war flying accident but fought to return to operational flying at the outbreak of the war.

During the Battle he commanded 242 Squadron made up of mostly Canadian pilots. Bader had that fiercely competitive spirit that fills all fighter pilots. He shot down 22 enemy aircraft before being shot down himself in 1941. He spent the rest of the war as a prisoner of war in the infamous Colditz Castle in eastern Germany.


RAF003Flying Officer “Moggy” Cattermole & Reilly”

One of the leading characters in author Derek Robinson’s “Piece of Cake” novel about the Fall of France and the Battle of Britain. Moggy is a “nasty piece of work” but a great fighter pilot! “Reilly” is the squadron mascot.


RAF004 “Sgt. Pilot Ginger Lacey”

James “Ginger” Lacey was one of the NCO pilots who made up a quarter of Fighter Command’s strength during the Battle. Just 23 years old he destroyed at least 15 German aircraft (probably more) in the summer of 1940 and survived the War.


RAF005 “Flight Lieutenant Sandy Johnstone

Originally a civilian navigation instructor and part-time pilot with 602 (City of Glasgow) Auxiliary Squadron, Johnson flew Spitfires during the Battle first as a flight Lieutenant before becoming Squadron Leader in July 1940.


RAF006 “Waiting… and Ready!”

Two RAF pilots on readiness await that jangling phone call that will send them running for their aircraft. A very typical 1940” scene.


RAF007 “Hawker HURRICANE MK.1”

One of the two most famous British aircraft that won the Battle of Britain. Less famous than the more graceful Spitfire, the Hurricane carried eight .303 machine guns and could absorb an amazing amount of punishment.

Twice as many Hurricanes fought in the Battle than Spits and although slower than the enemy 109 it was still very popular with its pilots.

K&C’s model is in the markings of 501 (County of London) Squadron, Royal Auxiliary Air Force and has 3 “kills” to its credit. Each aircraft has fixed undercarriage… a detachable, sliding canopy and a seated pilot at the controls.


Special Note: Only 400 models of this particular Hurricane are planned for production.


RAF008 “RAF Ground Crew Set”

Without the invaluable help, effort and support of the RAF’s ground crew the Battle of Britain would easily have been lost!

Here, 3 Aircraftsmen make ready to get another Hurricane or Spitfire back into the air. Set includes a Corporal Armourer and 2 x Leading Aircraftsmen.

RAF009 “Flying Officer & Trophy”

“Keith Sutton”, a New Zealander, with a “souvenir” tail piece from a Me. 110 he shot down.


RAF010 “MG Sports Car Set”

Fighter pilots and fast sports cars seem to go well together. Here, a young, rakish Flight Lieutenant sits in his nifty little British racing-green MG Sports Car enjoying a well-earned break from shooting down all those “nasty huns!”


From the defensive tactics of Fighter Command in the summer of 1940 we move forward to 1943 and the offensive operations of the RAF’s mighty “Bomber Command”.

Here we present three of Bomber command’s best known pilots… All of whom flew with 617 Squadron and took part in the famous “DAMBUSTERS” raid on the great dams of Western Germany in May 1943.


RAF011 “Wing Commander Guy Gibson V.C.”

Accompanied by his faithful Black Labrador “Nigger”, Gibson led the raid and was one of Bomber Command’s most experienced pilots at just 24 years old! He was awarded the Victoria Cross for the exploit. Sadly, he was killed on operations over Holland later in the war flying a Mosquito.


RAF012 “Flight Lieutenant Les Munro”

One of Gibson’s best Flight Leaders and a New Zealander who volunteered to fly with the RAF. He is one of a handful of survivors still living who took part in the epic raid.


RAF013 “Flight Lieutenant Harold “Mickey” Martin”

A great Australian bomber pilot and another of Gibson’s key flight leaders. He survived the war and went on to a long and very successful career in the peactime RAF eventually becoming an Air Vice Marshal.


SPECIAL NOTE: These are just a few of the great RAF figures, aircraft and diorama accessories K&C has planned… look out for more in the coming months!


AVAILABILITY:   RAF001-006, 008-013 NOW!

                                RAF007 -- Mid October




B. From the skies of wartorn Europe in 1940 and 1943 to the winter landscape of the Ardennes Forest in December 1944… Every Autumn and Fall you can find K&C preparing to launch our own mini offensive with our latest offerings of German and American troops and fighting vehicles… First here are the enemy


BBG022Sd.Kfz 251/22 “PakwagenAusf. D” (Winter)

Boy what a mouthful!!!

After we made the first summer version we thought “this could look equally good as a Battle of the Bulge vehicle”. And so, we designed three new figures, made a few changes and did a completely different winter/snow paint scheme.


Available Now!


BBG021Jagdpanzer IV”

The Jagdpanzer IV was the final development of the tank destroyer on the chassis of a standard tank. Development of this vehicle was championed by General Heinz Guderian when he was Inspector General of Panzer Forces in 1942/43. It was intended to replace STUG III’s and IV’s and first appeared in late 1944. It was used extensively during “The Battle of The Bulge”. Our model is typical of one of those attached to the 116th. Panzer Division. A winter-clad tank commander is included.


BBG023Steyr 1500 FunkKraftwagen

Another mouthful… but a great little vehicle… and useful too! Radio communications were and are vital to any modern army and in 1944 the German Army was no exception.

This great looking little truck was built on the well-proved Steyr 1500 chassis. Here in its original Wehrmacht/factory finish gray it’s got a light frosting of snow as well as a battle-worn dust and mud layer too. Seen inside the cab is a very, very cold driver!


BBG024 “Attack”

And doing just that are these 3 Volksgrenadiers making an attack on an American position. All are in heavy winter greatcoats with, in two cases, camouflage smocks on top.


BBG025 “Rifle Support”

An advancing Volksgrenadier shouts a warning as his mate fires a well-aimed round at some retreating GI’s.


BBG026 “Winter Rifleman”

A great little single figure character study of aVolksgrenadier… Rifle on one shoulder and Panzerfaust on the other… this soldier has seen his fill of war…


BBG027 “Advancing Rifleman”

War has to go on however and this other single rifleman is moving stealthily forward on an enemy location…


BBG028 “Covering Fire”

Lying on the frozen hard ground of the Ardennes this MG42 gunner provides back up fire support to some of his comrades moving ahead.




C. “Talking of the Battle of The Bulge and Christmas…?”

Well, we weren’t actually but who cares… With last year’s Christmas set of GI’s feeding two little Belgian orphans we neglected to add… a Santa Claus.

And now here he is… or at least a GI who’s made an effort to dress up as Santa using an old, discarded and beat up greatcoat and… a pot of red paint.


XM009-01 G.I. Santa illustrates just how far some U.S. servicemen would go to bring a smile to some little kid’s face. Our “Christmas Hero” has managed to scrounge, beg, borrow (or steal) a few goodies for the kids and his buddies… He’s even stuck some holly and berries onto his helmet! Even in wartime Christmas is always Christmas!


D. “Alternative Christmas Fun”

From Christmas in 1944 to a little celebration up at the North Pole…


XM009-02 “Mr. & Mrs. Claus having fun!”

All the toys are madethe presents are packed… the elves have gone to bed and Santa’s sled is loaded. He’s about to head off on Christmas Eve and, to celebrate, Mr. & Mrs. Claus enjoy a little jig around the workshop floor.

There’s a long night ahead but for a brief moment Santa and his Missus can enjoy each other’s happiness. The two-figure set also includes the tall candle stand.




E. “And now for something completely different…”

Monty Python were maybe onto something because after visiting Mr. & Mrs. Santa Claus up at the North Pole we’ve landed in Ancient China… or at least a few hundred years ago…


IC035 “The Hunting Set”

Here two members of the Emperor’s Bodyguard Regiment are out hunting in the Palace’s own Royal Hunting Grounds.

As one guardsman holds aloft his rabbit victim the mounted guardsman is after bigger game… a local deer.

All these pieces make a colourful addition to this popular collection.





This NOVEMBER promises to be one of the most diverse month’s in K&C’s history… read on



The motto of The Coldstream Guards and one of K&C’s most popular Napoleonic series… 12 brand-new Coldstreamers provide reinforcements for our earlier British Guards Regiments… These new soldiers (all except one small 2-figures set) are sold individually and, for the most part, illustrate troops either a) moving into the line or b) back at barracks on parade or even c) on the march. The choice is yours!


NA184 “Mounted Officer”


NA185 “Walking Flagbearer”


NA186 “Marching Officer w/ Sword”


NA187 “Marching Sergeant”


NA188 “Marching Pioneer”


NA189 “Marching Guardsman”


NA190 “Guardsman At Attention”


NA191 “Saving The Boy”

Here, a veteran Guardsman steps out of the battle to carry his young wounded ensign back to the Surgeon’s tent…


NA192 “Camp Follower”


NA193 “Advancing Guardsman”


NA194 “Marching Flagbearer”


AVAILABILITY: Early November


B. “Back to The Bulge… and Bastogne

From outside Brussels on the lush green fields of Waterloo we journey to the frozen forest of the Ardennes in the winter of 1944… let battle commence…


BBA030 “M3A2 Half-Track”

K&C’s first all-new U.S. Half-Track for a few years and one of the most often requested... and here it is!

This classic armoured troop transport served U.S. Forces and their Allies loyally throughout the War and even into the late 1970’s (with the Israeli Army).

Our GI version comes complete with a driver and a standing .50 calibre machine gunner and his crew-served weapon. This winter-version also has a detachable canvass cover for the troop compartment.

A towing hook at the rear of his vehicle is also suitable for pulling…


BBA031 “The 105mm Field Gun Set”

A superb model of the most famous field piece of the U.S. Army in WW2. Our 105” has rolling wheels… moveable trail arms plus 3 gunners to fire the artillery piece. The barrel is in a fixed position for firing and transporting.


BBA032 “Artillery Add-On Set”

2 additional Artillerymen are also available to crew-serve this great field piece. In addition we also supply extra ammo boxes and a pile of shell tubes (used for carrying the rounds).


BBA033U.S. Artilleryman”

A lone “Gunner”, rifle slung “humps” three more tubes of rounds forward to the guns.


BBA034 “Kneeling with Field Telephone”

A kneeling corporal listens for a “fire order” and grid coordinates for his buddies about to shell an enemy location.


BBA035 “Winter Motorcycle MP”

A long overdue addition to our U.S. Forces and our first new MP on a motorcycle for many years.

This MP is on the road, somewhere in Belgium or Luxembourg giving out directions (as MP’s like to do). He’s well-wrapped against the winter weather as well!


BBA036 “Half-Track Passengers”

A really great little 3-man grouping… Two sitting GI’s and their Nazi Prisoner. These guys can be seated in a variety of ways inside our new Half-Track or posed outside in a display or diorama… very useful!




C. DESERT VILLAGE… The Latest releases…

SP033 “The Stables”

A very versatile (like all the other DV structures) that can be utilized in a wide variety of settings and historical periods.


SP034 “The Watch Tower

A key feature of any small village or town in the Middle and Near East was the Watchtower. From this high vantage point any strangers could be seen as they approached the village… and if necessary alarms could be sounded. Watchtowers were often used a temporary store houses for grain or occasionally as the local jail for wrong-doers and trouble makers! Our K&C towers comes in two separate pieces which easily combine to make a tall and imposing structure.





For a long time the cofounders of K&C, Laura McAllister Johnson and myself have wanted to design and produce a series of figures and diorama accessories that tell the story of the most unique man that ever walked this earth.

This story has been told in many different ways and in many different media… booksplays moviestelevision series and, of course, in nativity scenes, for hundreds of years.

Our intention is to tell it in all-metal, hand-painted 1:30 scale.

We begin the story with “the Nativity” but that is only the beginning… We will continue the story of Jesus through his childhood into his manhood and the journey from Bethlehem to Nazareth and to JerusalemFrom a carpenter’s workshop to the cross on Calvary Hill.

We will introduce many of the characters in Jesus’ life… his parentshis followers his persecutors and even some of the bystanders who saw him pass on his journey.

K&C will also provide some of the principal settings where many of the most dramatic events in the life of Jesus took place… And we will try to portray the man himself at various key points during his thirty-three years on earth.

In K&C’s history we’ve never attempted a project as special or unique as “THE LIFE OF JESUS” we look forward to some of you joining us on this epic journey back to The Holy Land and we begin with “The Nativity”


LoJ001 “The Holy Family”

A standing Joseph holds a lantern as his wife Mary nurses her new-born son.


LoJ002 “The Shepherds”

In the field around Bethlehem a group of shepherds were tending their flock when an angel of the Lord told them of the birth of Jesus. These three have journey eyed to the Manger to see the child and to spread the joyful news.


LoJ003 “The Three Wise Man”

In the Gospel of Mathew he says these men came from the East to worship the Christ, born King of the Jews. With them they bring gifts of Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh for the infant Jesus.


LoJ004 “The Animals”

Because there was no room at the Inn in Bethlehem the Holy Family only had a humble stable to rest in.

It was here, that Mary gave birth surrounded by simple farm animals… the oxen… the ass they brought with them… and some sheep.


LoJ005A “Standing Camel”

One of the dromedaries which accompanied the “Magi”


LoJ005B “Grazing Camel”


LOJ005C “Sitting Camel”


These figures along with our typical Middle Eastern buildings and (soon to be released) palm trees form a realistic and historically accurate scene that, to my knowledge, has never been reproduced in 1:30 scale before… We look forward to your comments.


AVAILABILITY: Early November


SPECIAL NOTE: A substantial part of the income from “The LIFE OF JESUS” will be donated to a range of charities both in the United States and Hong Kong.






BBA011M10 Tank Destroyer”

BBA020 “Winter Command Group”


BBG008 Sd. kfz.184 "Elefant"”



FW005 “Mounted Officer”

FW006 “Marching Officer”

FW021 “Dead German”



RTA017 “Robert Allen, VA – Loading”

RTA018 “William Johnson, PA - Kneeling Firing”

RTA020 “Dolphin Ward Floyd, NC – Ready”

RTA025 “John W. Thomson, NC - w/Rifle & Axe”

RTA026Issac Ryan, LA - Sitting Wounded”



And that my friends is that… We hope, as usual, you find something that you and your customers find exciting, different and, who knows, maybe even inspiring… Best personal wishes to one and all!


Andy C. Neilson

Co-founder & Creative Director

King & Country