November 2022


Dear Partners,


Welcome once more to this month’s ‘DISPATCHES’… Not too many releases but some welcome additions and reinforcements to a couple of our most recent ranges of ‘Soldiers in Action’ in two widely different ‘Theatres of War’ on both sides of the global conflict that was WW2.

Also being released this month is one of the most important leaders and personalities of the Vietnam War… and one of its most controversial!

Finally, there are several special ‘Yuletide’ offerings just in time for the Christmas Season.

So, without further ado let’s get this show on the road…


1. "Kokoda Diggers Fight Back"

King & Country’s initial release of figures illustrating this hard-fought campaign in the steep, mountainous jungle of Papua New Guinea focused on Australian soldiers moving along the infamous ‘Kokoda Trail’ in the middle of 1942.

At this time Japan’s newly-won empire extended in depth across vast tracts of China, the Pacific and South East Asia.

After crippling the American Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbor, capturing Hong Kong, Malaya, Singapore and the Dutch East Indies the Japanese were now poised to strike at Australia itself.

The island of New Guinea was the perfect staging post for their next major offensive and it was here that the Australians decided that the enemy would be halted and then thrown back… The fight was on… Here are the first of our five fightingDiggers’…


KT005 "Vickers Machine Gunner"

The Vickers Machine Gun or ‘Vickers Gun’ was the name given to the British, water-cooled, .303 heavy machine gun used by British and Empire armies in two World Wars and countless other conflicts from its introduction in 1912 until its retirement in 1968… more the 56 years on ‘active service’, a record virtually unmatched by any other British infantry weapon.

This gun had a reputation for great solidity and reliability and was based on the highly successful Maxim machine gun of the late 19th Century.

These sterling qualities endeared the Vickers to every Australian soldier who ever fired it. Our ‘Digger’ sits perched on a sandbag behind his gun complete with ammunition boxes and ready to open fire on the enemy.


KT006 "The Kokoda Bren Gunner"

While the Vickers Guns were supplied at Company and Battalion level all infantry platoons would have a Bren Gun for each one of its three rifle sections.

The Bren was a Light Machine Gun that fired the same .303 round as its heavier Vickers counterpart and although fitted with a bipod could also be mounted on a tripod in the ‘fixed-firing mode’ or even on all kinds of military vehicles.

Our K&C lying prone ‘Digger’ is firing his Bren in the most commonly used shooting position.


KT009 "The Kokoda Rifle Section"

A three-man section, all of them armed with the classic Lee-Enfield Rifle, commonly known as the .303 SMLE (Short Magazine Lee Enfield).

This bolt action, magazine-fed rifle served the British and Commonwealth Forces from 1903 up until 1957 in several different variants.

The best known of all the Lee Enfield rifles was the SMLE Mk. introduced in 1907 and fitted with the18” long 1907 Pattern Sword Bayonet.

Although superceded in the British Army by the introduction of the Lee Enfield No. 4 Mk. 1 rifle Australia chose to retain their vintage SMLE Mk.’s until well after the Korean War.

Here K&C’s three ‘Diggers’ have adopted various shooting poses as they prepare to take on the advancing Japanese.


AVAILABILITY: Mid-Late November



When it comes to blaming what or who ‘lost’ Vietnam it’s often convenient to lay a great deal of the blame on the broad shoulders of just one man… William C. Westmoreland.

That, would be both wrong and unfair…


VN157 "General William C. Westmoreland"

As commander of all U.S. ground troops in South Vietnam from 1964 until 1968 he pursued a war of attrition against first, the Viet Cong and then, increasingly, the NVA (North Vietnamese Army), attempting to drain them of manpower and supplies. He made extensive use of the massive American superiority in artillery and air power, both in tactical confrontations and in relentless strategic bombing which allied to a major troop buildup saw U.S Force numbers expand from approx. 25,000 in 1964 to almost 540,000 in 1968!

‘The Westmoreland Strategy’ was ultimately unsuccessful both politically and militarily because while the VC and the NVA, under their leadership, were more than willing to accept higher casualties the American public and their increasingly embattled Government were not.

General William C. Westmoreland himself had, until Vietnam a very successful military career with many awards and promotions along the way.

Physically, tall and striking he was an imposing figure on the battlefield, in the MACV Headquarters (Military Assistance Command Vietnam) or at the Pentagon in Washington.

Up until the TET Offensive of early 1968 he had the confidence and support of President Lyndon B. Johnson and his Cabinet in Washington.

It was the sudden surprise of the TET Offensive which ultimately shattered Johnson’s confidence in Westmoreland. Although the Americans and their South Vietnamese allies decimated the communist opposition they lost the support of the great American public back home… Thanks in part to the U.S. mainstream media.

This special ‘General Westmoreland’ figure portrays this top-ranking U.S. Army officer on one of his many visits to his troops in the field. His army jungle fatigues are perfectly starched and pressed… his 4 star rank appearing prominently on his baseball cap and on both shirt collars… his black jump boots perfectly shined and polished…. The very picture of a modern major general… even in the jungles of Vietnam!





Here is the second batch of 12th SS “Hitlerjugend Panzer Division youngsters ready and willing to go into battle somewhere in Normandy in the summer of 1944 just days and weeks after the 6 June Allied Invasion.

As earlier 12th SS figures these new additions are also in ‘mixed rig’ uniform combinations of camouflage jackets or trousers with traditional German field grey tunics and / or trousers.


WS366 "HJSS Firing MP44"

This NCO (non commissioned officer) kneels down to take careful aim with his MP44 Assault Rifle.


WS369 "HJSS Kneeling w/MP40"

Although kneeling this young soldier looks as if he is about to jump up and move to a new location.


WS370 "HJSS Kneeling Firing Rifle"

As virtually all younger members of the 12th SS had passed through the ranks of the Hitler Youth many of them were already ‘expert shots’ as marksmanship was highly-prized and awarded within the entire HJ movement.


WS371 "HJSS Kneeling Signaller"

Crouching down beside his field telephone this signaller receives the latest battlefield information… or perhaps instructions from a superior.


WS372 "HJSS MG42 Gun Team"

This 2-man team lies prone behind their deadly MG42 machine gun about to open fire on some advancing ‘Tommies’.


WS373 "HJSS Advancing firing Rifle"

Cautiously moving forward ready to open fire with his Gewehr 43 rifle.





Christmas comes but once a year and, as usual, we like to ‘bring in the new’ as well as revisit a couple of old friends…


XM022-01 "Santa & The Polar Bear Express"

Christmas 2021 we introduced one of Santa’s favourite polar bears to keep the old gentleman company on those arduous Christmas Eve trips around the world delivering presents.

This year 2022, sees another of Santa’s Polar Bears offering his services to help Santa with his deliveries under the banner of ‘The Polar Bear Express’.

Santa definitely looks happier with the additional help and support!


XM022-02 "Santa’s Little Helper"

Now, that’s not the only extra help Santa is getting this year…

This delightful young lady is most definitely all-dressed-up and ready to go to the party!

Plus she’s got a cute little ‘North Pole’ signpost and some gifts of her own to deliver…


Plus two Extra Special Little Gift Sets.


SGS-XM003 "Santa’s Workshop Cottage"

Includes the little ‘North Pole’ sign.


SGS-XM004 "Christmas Carol Singing Celebration"

Two colourful Victorian children under the Christmas Street Lantern… a little Snowman and another of those ‘North Pole’ signs.

Only a very limited number of these ‘Special Gift Sets’ are available. Order Now to avoid disappointment!





As I wrote earlier not too many items this month but some really good ones… Now, before I go here is what is being retired…


RnB001 "Those Who Are About To Die" Gaul Warrior & Roman Legionary

RnB003 "The Farewell" Roman & Family

RnB004 Guarding The Prisoner

RnB005 The Mounted Scout

RnB008 "Short Back & Sides" Roman Soldier & Prisoner

RnB013 "No Mercy"

RnB014 Mounted Chieftain w/The Draco Standard

RnB015 Carnyx Horn Player

RnB017 Advancing Warrior

RnB019 Scourging the Prisoner

RnB020 The Centurion & His Prisoner

RnB021 Life or Death?

RnB022 "Kneel & Obey" Captive Gallic Prisoner

RnB025 A Head for a Head! #2

RnB026 Optio w/Sword & Helmet

RnB027 Shouting Centurion

RnB034 The Galloping Gaul

RnB035 Captor & Captive

RnB036 Gallic War Chief

RnB037 Charging Gaul

RnB039 Shouting Celt

RnB040 Death to the Romans

SP028 Oasis Well




On that cheerful note I’ll bid you all a fond farewell for the moment.



Andy C. Neilson 

Co-founder & Creative Director 

King & Country Ltd.