Well, that’s Chicago over for another year... The whole K&C team had a blast and I would like to take this opportunity to especially thank Chris Munro of “The American Model Dockyard” and Howard Woods from OZ for their much-needed support and assistance during and after the show.

        Special thanks must also go out to Mike and Myszka of Sierra Toy Soldiers for a fantastic weekend at their Los Gatos store before Chicago. Both Gordon and I loved the visit and the side trip to … ALCATRAZ!  But that, as they say, is another story…

        Additional thanks and appreciation to Shannon, Pete and Ben of Treefrog Treasures, our good friend Tim Tyler of Troops of Time, Inc. and Mike & Myszka (again) for the annual Treefrog K&C dinner… It just gets better each year.

        After Chicago we had a great time down in Texas at the “Luftwaffe & Lager ” evening at King’sX in San AntonioMuchos gracias, Martin, Joan, Adam, Ruth, JP and, of course, Laura.

        Finally, a huge thanks to our old pals Don Pielin, Jo & Steve Sommers who for the last 30 years have toiled through buckets of blood, sweat and tears to organize North America’s biggest and best Old Toy Soldier Show… You guys have helped make the hobby what is today.

        I cannot stress too highly how important I believe that toy soldier shows are to the hobby… the internet is great but… to actually meet and talk toy soldiers with the dealers… collectors … and manufacturers is second-to-none.  And it’s virtually 24 hours a day (and night).

        And so roll on the London Show in December… the Paris event just afterwards and the Milan one after that.  Plus the Westcoaster next March!

        Meanwhile here’s a few new pieces for you to be getting on with…




It’s freezing cold… it’s bloody miserable… and there’s a whole bunch of Krauts coming down through the forest!

K&C’s latest release of winter German figures portrays the early stage of the surprise assault on the American lines…


BBG032 “Prize of Arms”

A single Waffen SS Panzer Grenadier walks off with a box of “liberated” U.S. Army field rations.


BBG033 “Cold Feet… Warm Boots”

One of the indelible images of the early days of the German offensive in the Ardennes was the photo of some dead GI’s lying in a road… without their boots. Some German soldiers standing nearby are swapping their own poor quality “ersatz” issue footwear for the much superior and much warmer American boots.


BBG034 “Over There!”

A pointing Waffen SS trooper indicates something to a Luftwaffe Field Division rifleman.


BBG037 “Walking Forward”

Again, another figure based on a well-known photo of an SS NCO walking past a row of burning, abandoned American vehicles.


BBG039 “Otto Skorzeny’s Command Car”

Famous (or infamous if you prefer) SS Obersturmfuhrer Otto Skorzeny was in charge of the operation to launch English-speaking German soldiers dressed as GI’s behind U.S. lines to spread confusion and cause havoc. Skorzeny himself, although in charge of the operation always wore regular Waffen SS combat uniform. He also made use of a converted Sd.Kfz.247 six wheeled command car.

This set includes Skorzeny, his personal driver and radio operator.

SPECIAL NOTE: Just 500 of this vehicle have been produced.




BBG044Bastogne Signpost”

BBG045Malmedy Signpost”


AVAILABILITY: Mid to Late November



Since the retirement of our Napoleonic era Black Watch we’ve had many requests from both collectors and dealers for another Scottish Regiment and here it is… The 92nd. Highlanders better known as The Gordon Highlanders.

After fighting bravely at Quatre Bras the Regiment took part in one of the most famous incidents of the Battle of Waterloo… the charge of the 92nd.alongside the horsemen of the Scots Greys (The North British Dragoons). Together these two Scottish regiments (about 1200 strong) repulsed and then routed an advancing French infantry column of almost 4,000 men!

K&C is releasing no less than ten individual Gordon Highlanders as well as a dramatic 2-figure vignette of a charging Scots Grey trooper and a running 92nd. Highlander.


NA202 “GH Kneeling to Repel”

NA203 “GH Kneeling Firing”

NA204 “GH Kneeling Loading”

NA205 “GH Standing Firing”

NA206 “GH Standing to Repel”

NA207 “GH Charging”

NA208 “GH Mounted Major”

NA209 “GH Drummer”

NA210 “GH Advancing

NA211Gordons & Greys to the Front!”

One of the aforesaid troopers and one highlander attacking and routing the French infantry.

NA227 “Officer with the Regimental Color”


AVAILABILITY: Mid to Late November



Our latest “Tiger” and our newest “Strictly Limited”The Panzerkampfwagen VI, better known as “The Tiger” has played… a very big role in the K&C story… Back in 2005 it was the very first “Strictly Limited” fighting Tiger K&C ever produced. That first “SL” Tiger was a snow-camouflaged version of our earlier WS070 and was a big success with 999 produced and sold!

A few years later we revisited the Tiger to do another “SL”. This time an early AFRIKA KORPS version… again another popular success.

Now in 2010, we’re producing a third Tiger “SL” and, without a doubt, the best one yet!


WS177(SL) “Snow Tiger”

This is not simply a repaint of an earlier model this new “Snow Tiger” is an all-new sculpt with a radically different winter camouflage scheme to the 2005 version.

A close inspection of the photos provided will easily demonstrate the differences and improvements on K&C’s previous Tigers.

Each “Snow Tiger” comes with two crew figures a specially-designed presentation box and a large 4 page full-colour brochure and numbered certificate.

Just 999 are being producedOrder now to get yours!



WS195 “German Panhard Armoured Car”(Winter Version)

        Over the years we have had more requests to produce different German vehicles with the “white-washed winter” camouflage.  And here is the captured French Panhard “winterized” complete with a 2-man crew lightly dusted by frost and snow.

(Just 200 of this little recce vehicle are available)



Both “Snow Tiger” and “Winter Panhard” are expected Mid To Late November



Just in time for Christmas and ready to be put under the tree.


        Our second release of Australian Light Horse and Turkish defenders of the little Palestinian town.  We previewed these a few months ago in Australia and at the recent Chicago Show to great acclaim… I hope you like ‘em too!

AL014 “Leaping Lighthorseman

AL015 “Turkish 77mm Artillery Set”

AL016 “Firing Rifle Lighthorseman

AL017 “The Rescue”

AL018 “Kneeling Firing Rifle”

AL019 “Turkish Officer w/ Flag”

AL020 “Fighting Duo”

AL026 “Aussie Flagbearer”… carrying the modern Australian national flag.





        Recent years have seen many different versions of the mighty 88mm flak and artillery gun by several different companies (including K&C).

        This new gun however, has, I believe never been produced in 1:30 scale by anyone… until now!


BBG035 “The Flak’41 88mm Gun”

        This particular artillery piece boasted a lower profile and a higher rate of fire than its famous predecessor.  The K&C model is dismounted on its four spars ready to go into action. Virtually all of these guns were primarily used in the anti tank role both on the East and West Fronts.  It originally entered service in 1943 and served until the end of the war.  Just 550 were manufactured and that’s exactly what K&C are producing.

        Each specially packaged model comes with a seated gunner and is painted in very typical late war “splinter camouflage” and is in a “fixed-firing” position.


        Five additional gun crew figures are also available…

BBG036 “Gun Commander”

BBG038 “Crew Set#1”

One standing “Shell Loader” and a standing gunner.

BBG046 “Crew Set#2”

One kneeling “Shell Handler” and another gunner.

        Together this new Flak ’41 and its crew make a fine “stand-alone” centre piece for any collection.



C. “Guarding The Tiger”

WS179 “Tiger Tank Guards”

Two winter-clad panzer figures dismounted and armed with MP40 Schmeisser Machine Pistols.




        Another great way to create a whole range of visually exciting dioramas and displays. This is a new and much larger adaptation of a design we first produced over 10 years ago.

        Back then our original Normandy Village was produced in monochromatic EPU (Expanded Polyurethane) with virtually no painted details.

        Now, this first release of a whole Nouveau Normandy Villagehas been resculpted and enlarged to a more realistic 1:30 scale and size.  Cast in polystone each fully 3-dimensional building comes fully painted and ready for display.

        Unlike that very first “Normandy Village” K&C has now discarded the square base sections allowing collectors to position this building (and those that will follow) in many more different configurations…


        A typical French corner shop featuring a Boulangerie (Bakers Shop) on the ground floor and a shell-damaged dwelling on the upper storey.





Not too much this month but what there is … is well worth grabbing while stocks last…

a. “Fields of Battle

FOB024Kneeling British Officer w/ Bino

FOB025 British Vickers Machine Gun Set

FOB026British Lying Firing Bren Gunner

FOB028British Kneeling Firing Rifleman

FOB029British Standing Firing Rifleman

FOB030British Kneeling Firing Tommy Gun

FOB032 French Standing Firing Rifleman

FOB034French Officer in Action


b. “Streets of Old Hong Kong


HK111 Old Man w/ Long Pipe



And that my friends is that for another 30 days or so… Hope there’s more than a few things that will interest you and your collectors.


          All the best!


Andy C. Neilson

Co-founder & Creative Director

King & Country