May 2016

        Already May is here and, in a few weeks, yours truly and Helen, K&C’s Managing Director, will be flying off to San Antonio for the 10th. Annual Texas Toy Soldier Show.

        K&C and Kings X have been jointly running this show for the past 5 years and it continues to grow and grow! This year will be the biggest event yet with an increase of almost 20 percent in the number of dealers and vendors taking part.

        At the show itself King & Country will be previewing a number of upcoming releases as well as quite a few of this month’s latest pieces. So without further ado let’s see what’s in the bag…


A.    “A little Bit of Everything…”

There’s no shortage of variety in this month’s releases… Let’s begin with a pair of extremely useful additions to a recent Pacific War debut…

AF036     “U.S. Marine Corps Jeep”

Some of you may have seen this useful airfield vehicle on our publicity pix for “Pappy” Boyington’s F4U Corsair… Well, here it is in person and ready for duty on any Pacific Island airstrip.. Mud and dust-covered it has a “Campaign-hat-wearing-Leatherneck” at the wheel.

AF037     “The Sheep Pen Tent”

The standard U.S. Military Tent of WW2 and beyond. Perfect as part of the background for your F4U Corsair or on any battlefield or barracks whether it’s the Pacific , Europe, Korea or even… Vietnam!!!




B.     “The Royal Navy in the Tropics”

Back in the days when Britannia ruled the waves and a quarter of the world map was still painted pink the Royal Navy and its sailors served in many of the globe’s hottest spots. When serving and sailing in warmer waters the Navy adopted “Tropical Whites” for all officers and men.

Here in Hong Kong, pre 1997 and the Chinese hand-over, British sailors most often wore “Tropical Whites” when on ceremonial duties or “going ashore”.

These sailors can be used for both wartime and peacetime scenarios.

GA030    “Oarsmen Rowing Set A, Gallipoli 1915”

        Two clean-shaven Matelots.

GA030(B)“Oarsmen Rowing Set B, Gallipoli 1915”

        Two more sailors… both bearded.

GA031    “Sitting Oarsmen Set A, Gallipoli 1915”

        Two clean-shaven sailors at the “Up-Oars” position.

GA031(B)“Sitting Oarsmen Set B, Gallipoli 1915”

        As above but sporting full beards.

GA032    “Sailor w/ Telescope, Gallipoli 1915”

GA033    “Sailor w/ Boathook, Gallipoli 1915”

GA034    “Whale Boat, Gallipoli 1915”

The ever-useful Royal Navy “Whale Boat” complete with cox’n in“Tropical Whites”.




C.    “Supreme Allied Commander”

Over the years it has been popular, in some quarters, to question and complain about the military qualities and abilities of General Dwight D. Eisenhower, Supreme Allied Commander of all Allied Forces in Europe from before D.Day until the end of the “German War” in May 1945.

K&C firmly believes this to be wrong! No other commander (British or American) had the skill, patience and overall understanding of what was required and necessary to hold the coalition together and forge a fighting force that ultimately helped defeat Hitler’s armies.

Over the years we’ve produced two other miniature portrayals of “IKE and now we’re happy and proud to produce three more… in a choice of uniforms.

DD284    “Eisenhower wearing IKE”

Here, the General is seen wearing the short, battledress-dress style jacket (modelled on the original British one) that he had specially tailored for himself in London when he took up his European command in 1943.

In this version his “IKE” jacket, as it came to be known, is tailored in the same chocolate brown material as the regular U.S. Army officers’ issue uniform of the period. When this colour of jacket was worn it was usually teamed with the “pink( more beige khaki actually) trousers of the standard officers’ uniform.

DD291    “D.DAY IKE”

Here is the General wearing the standard U.S. Army Officers’ Uniform combination of full, four-pocketed jacket, again with a pair of “Pinks”.

Behind the General’s back he holds a sets of plans for the upcoming “Operation Overlord”, the invasion of Normandy in June 1944.




Special Note: A “third” General Eisenhower is being specially issued for the 10th. Texas Toy Soldier Show.

DD294   Texas Toy Soldier Show “IKE

This particular Texas Show “Ike is wearing the all-olive drab jacket and trousers uniform which the General also wore before and after D.Day.

Just 200 pieces of this” Texas” version are being produced.


AVAILABLE: Late May at the Texas Toy Soldier Show and while limited stocks last.



It’s fair to say that “The Apachesproved to be one of the finest and fiercest opponents of the U.S. Army during the “Indian Wars” that followed the end of the Civil War.

From 1865 until the mid 1880’s the various tribes that made up the Apache Nation fought a long and skillful “guerilla” campaign throughout the Southwestern part of the U.S.

Although their numbers were never large they spread fear and terror throughout Texas, Arizona, New Mexico and parts of Colorado wherever they raided and fought.

Never operating in large numbers (like the Plains Tribes) they were particularly adept at ambushes, skirmishing and then disappearing into nowhere as the U.S. Cavalry found out time and time again.

Here are the first few examples of a great new range of Apache warriors…

TRW090 “Geronimo”, The Apaches

A mounted figure of probably the greatest Apache WarchiefGeronimo was a “Mescalero/Chiricahua” born in 1829. He was a superb leader in raiding and revenge attacks on both Mexican and American interlopers… In truth, he harboured more hatred for Mexicans who had killed many of his extended family during this time.

Our new figure shows him carrying a “Winchester” carbine and a holstered pistol.

TRW091 “He’s Dead!”, The Apaches

One of the hated “Longkniveslies sprawled at the feet of this Apache Warrior. His cartridge belt and revolver will find a new owner! (2 figures)

TRW092 “Reloading”, The Apaches

        Reaching back to extract a fresh cartridge for his “Springfield” rifle.

TRW093 “Taking Aim”, The Apaches

        A lying prone Apache “takes a bead” on one of the enemy.

TRW094 “Bows & Arrows”, The Apaches

Although most Apache warriors preferred to get their hands on firearms they were also adapt in the use of the more traditional Indian weaponry.

TRW095 “Kneeling Firing”, The Apaches

As ammunition for their rifles and pistols was always in short supply each Apache rifleman had to make every shot count… They were accurate marksmen, far better than the average U.S. Cavalry trooper!





Director Ridley Scott’s first feature film The Duellistsis, in my opinion, one of the finest and most authentic historical films ever made!

The attention to detail of the period (1800-1815) is second-to-none in the uniforms, the attitudes and even the changing hair-styles of the two main protagonists.

The story is centred on a series of duels that take place between two French Hussar officers during the last 15 years of Bonaparte’s reign.

Everything about this small, intimate movie (it cost less than USD$1 million to make) is exceptional – the military costumes, the settings, the actors (including Harvey Keitel and Keith Carradine) the script and the music is simply superb! Please see it… and you’ll see what I mean.

NA349    “The Duellists Set#1”

Gabriel Feraud (7th Hussars) is a violent and fervent Bonapartist who loves to seek out trouble and fight duels.

Armand D’Hubert (3rd Hussars) is serving on the staff of his general and is sent to reprimand Feraud on his latest duel where he has almost killed the nephew of an important local town official.

Feraud is mightily offended and forces the first of several ongoing duels onto the hapless D’Hubert, who he believes, is “victimizing” him!

Here, both officers are about to begin their first duelling encounter in the courtyard of Feraud’s lodgings… D’Hubert in his 3rd Hussars uniform minus his dolman and sabretache of course and a similarly attired Feraud of the 7th Hussars.





Where would K&C be without a little German WW2 component for any month’s “DISPATCHES.

WH049   “Sd.Kfz250/11 Panzerbuchse 41”

This lightly armoured halftrack mounting a 2.8cm gun was intended to be a close-support, anti-tank weapon for motorized infantry.

The first examples reached German units on the Eastern Front early in 1942. Although an interesting development it never achieved major success because of the low effective range of its 2.8cm gun. It remained in production for just one year.

However, as a representative German model of the war’s mid years… it’s a great little addition to any WW2 German collection.




G.    “Pike & Muskets & Cavaliers”

A few select additions to this colourful and unique range that covers “The English Civil War”The Thirty Years War and even the novels of Alexander Dumas and his “Three Musketeers”

PnM055  Cavalier Ready, English Civil War”

A mounted Royalist trooper in the army of Charles I. Our man holds his “Musketoonat the ready.

Musketoonswere short-barrelled versions of soldiers’ muskets first carried by sailors and pirates and later adopted by cavalry as they were easy to carry (suspended by a spring hook on a cross belt) and to shoot while mounted.

PnM056“Cavalier Shooting, English Civil War”

This Royalist trooper shoulders his “Musketoonas he prepares to fire from the saddle.

PnM057  Royalist Trumpeter, English Civil War”

This richly and colourfully-garbed cavalryman would, on his officer’s command, sound the different trumpet calls that would let the regiment of horse know what was required of them during the “din of battle” or the many manoeuvers on parade or even while on the move.

Most trumpeters would also ride a white steed, the better to be seen by both officer and men.

PnM058  The King’s Lifeguard Standard, English Civil War”

An advancing officer of the King Charles ‘ ownLifeguard Regiment of Foot”. Over his right shoulder he carries the Regimental Colour… In his left hand a pistol.

PnM066  The Commonwealth Flag Bearer, English Civil War”

A second version of the previous figure… This time, our Parliamentary Officer carries the “Commonwealth Flag” of 1649, adopted by Cromwell’s Army two years before the actual end of the Civil War in 1651.


AVAILABLE: Mid to Late May


H.    “1914”

A few months back we came upon some figures that were still on our “reserve list”. After reviewing them… we painted them… liked the results… and so, here they are!

FW221    “Cuirassier studying map”

A mounted French Cuirassier, little different from his comrades of a century before… except for a khaki cloth helmet cover consults his field map.

FW222    “Cuirassier w/ Sword Drawn”

        Even in the age of the machine gun sabres were still carried.

FW223    “Cuirassier w/ Pistol”

Although sabres were also carried a pistol might do more ”damage” at close quarters…

FW224    “Pointing Poilu, WWI French”

        A traditional French Infantryman pointing the way…

FW225    Boche Prisoners,WWI German”

Two German prisoners… one foot soldier and one “Uhlan” make their way to the rear.


AVAILABLE: Mid to Late May



Battlefield and Diorama accessories go a long way to helping collectors bring their displays “alive” and adding an extra dimension to any collection.

Here are some great new pieces…

Special Note: As you can see we are offering these architectural items in both

Sandstone” and “Greystonecolour finishes.


SP072      “Four Lions Town Fountain (Sandstone)

        This handsome ‘sandstoneornamental structure is a prefect centerpiece

for any European-style village or town square. Historically it can be used for

displays for a wide range of different eras from Ancient Greece and Rome all the

way up to the present day.

Dimensions: 11.5(L) x 11.5(W) x 8.8(H)cm

SP073      “The Lion’s Head Wall Fountain (Sandstone)

For more compact spaces and displays this smaller “sandstone” wall fountain adds an extra touch of realism.

Dimensions: 8.7(L) x 2.8(W) x 6.5(H)cm

SP074      “Square Statue Plinth (Greystone)

The perfect location for one of our K&C bronze-colouredstatue” figures. Can also be used in a wide variety of historical periods and settings


Dimensions: 5.7(L) x 5.7(W) x 5.4(H)cm

SP075      “Large Equestrian Statue Plinth (Greystone)

A multi useful traditional European “greystone” plinth perfect for our bronzed mounted statues. Two sides are undamaged… the other two show extensive “battle-scarring”.

Dimensions:11.5(L) x 5.3(W) x 10.6(H)cm

SP078      “Square Statue Plinth (Sandstone)

As SP074 but in “sandstone” finish.

SP079      “Large Equestrian Statue Plinth (Sandstone)

As SP075 but in “sandstone” finish… also with two sides


SP080      “Four Lions Town Fountain (Greystone)

        As SP072 but in “Greystone”.

SP081      “The Lion’s Head Wall Fountain (Greystone)

        As SP073 but in “Greystonefinish.


AVAILABLE: Mid to Late May


And that boys and girls is that… except, of course, for the “retirals”… Now, read on… There’s quite a big bunch…




Fighting Hoplite


Charging Turk w/ Rifle


Kneeling Firing Rifle


Kneeling Loading Rifle


Standing Firing Rifle


Advancing BAR Gunner


Advancing Radio Man


M20 Commander


Bar Gunner Set


Observing The Battle


Kneeling Officer w/ Map


Lying Prone B.A.R. Man


Bayonet Fixed




Crouching Wounded


"Let's Go!"


Children at Play


Little Dragon Boat


The Green Dragon Boat


Mounted Napoleon


Kneeling Firing


Kneeling Ready


The Christmas Store



Andy C. Neilson

Co-founder & Creative Director

King & Country