June 2019


JUNE to me has always meant D.DAY– The Invasion of Europe by British, American and Canadian Forces on the morning of June 6, 1944.

Those landings on 5 separate beaches in Normandy signaled the end of Hitler and his entire Third Reich.  Together with the Soviet armies in the East the Nazis were now caught in an unyielding vice that would, less than 12 months later, come together in the ruins of Berlin.

But first the landings had to be successful and that was going to be no ‘walk in the park’. King & Country is proud to celebrate that remarkable amphibious landing operation on this its 75th Anniversary with some very special releases... Now read on...



A.    As many K&C collectors already know our Normandy ’44 range of Allied soldiers, fighting vehicles, aircraft and even landing craft is the most extensive and far reaching in the hobby.  Over the years, since we first began releasing D.DAY related figures in the 1990’s the scope and variety is, I truly believe, second-to-none.

That being said, we always like to grow and develop certain ranges by adding new figures and other items that help continue the story... This is just one example.



Steven Spielberg’s epic 1998 film “Saving Pvt. Ryan” has always been a major source of inspiration for myself and K&C. Having watched the movie countless times and being able to meet and talk with Capt. Dale Dye, the films military trainer and adviser, I have been struck with just how much care and attention was focused on the characters and the military action in the movie.  The attention to detail and historical accuracy set a new standard for ‘war films’ and the people who make them.

When I originally saw the movie I said to myself “I want to make toy soldiers / military miniatures that are as gritty and authentic as the guys in that movie

And, in the ensuring years, that’s what we have attempted to do.  I believe among the very best D.Day soldiers K&C has ever produced were the two “Searching For Pvt. Ryan” sets released in October 2017.  Most collectors must agree because they are on King & Country’s ‘Best-Seller’ list of all time!


Those seven US Army Rangers, PFC Ryan and the cowardly Cpl. Upham made me think about how we could extend the Rangers especially by designing extra GI’s in action on and after D.DAY.

What you will see this month is just the ‘Advance Guard’ of nine of the 19 US Army Rangers ‘in action’ on the morning of June 6, 1944 on OMAHA BEACH.


DD319 “D.DAY Command Set”

A Ranger Sergeant takes careful aim with his M1 carbine as his Captain lets loose a burst of tommy-gun fire in support.


DD324 “The Flame Thrower Team”

This 2-man set shows two kneeling Rangers, one carrying the “Man-Portable M2-2 Flamethrower”.  This had a ‘burn-duration’ of just 9 seconds and could hurl a jet of flame up to 40 yards. It was mainly used against enemy bunkers and fixed defences. Backing up the ‘Flamethrower Guy’ is another Ranger rifleman.


DD325 “The Bazooka Man”

Providing additional fire support for the rifle squad is this lying prone Ranger about to fire his M1 Rocket Launcher.

Measuring just over 5 feet long and firing a HEAT (High Explosive Anti-Tank) round it was the best infantry anti tank weapon of its time and quickly copied by the Germans.

As well as ‘taking-out’ enemy armour it was also useful against bunkers and other defensive emplacements.


DD327 “Storming The Beach” Set No.1

The first of TWO 4-MAN Ranger sets going into action.

These four Rangers include 2 x riflemen kneeling... 1 x kneeling ‘Tommy-Gun’ carrying Sergeant and a crouching NCO with an M1 Carbine and a ‘Walkie-Talkie’ radio.


SPECIAL NOTE: These are just the first nine Rangers-in-action... TEN more will follow shortly in a mix of single, 2-man and 4-man sets.

ALSO: Look out for the SPECIAL EDITION 75TH Anniversary D.DAY LCVP landing craft model... Coming Soon!


DD328 “General Charles De Gaulle”

A very brave but ‘difficult’ general to deal with... At least for his Allies!

De Gaulle was the leader of all FREE FRENCH forces from 1940-1945.  Always conscious of France’s great history and proud traditions he was the spirit of liberation for millions of the French people.



B.     From the beaches of Normandy to the Holy Land in one swift leap...

MK183 “Fighting Crusader”


MK189 “Templar Defending”


MK191 “Kneeling Crusader”


MK192 “The Axeman Cometh”

Wielding the two-handed battle-axe this fighting knight is about give some unfortunate Saracen a splitting headache!


MK193 “Victory is Ours

This Templar knight celebrates another victory.


MK194 “Templar Commander”

Another senior Templar knight, helmet in hand, shouts order to his men.


MK-S03 “Crusader Knights Value-Added Set”

Order the complete SIX figures and you hold onto some extra cash!

AVAILABLE: Early to Mid June



Our K&C British Napoleonic Redcoats receive some welcome reinforcements in the shape of a few ‘Tommy Atkins’ to join their ranks.


NA434 “Riflemen Reloading”

After firing his last round this private soldier rapidly reloads.  Here he is biting off the paper wrapping at the top his cartridge and preparing to pour the powder into the muzzle of his ‘Brown Bess’ musket before dropping the ball in.


NA435 “Regimental Sergeant Major”

The senior non commissioned officer in the battalion and a man to be both respected and feared. Sword in hand he gathers his men into line to face the foe.


NA436 “The Temporary Regimental Standard Bearer”

In battle and other times the Regimental Colours were usually held by a junior subaltern. In battle, standard bearers were often prime targets for enemy snipers and riflemen and suffered accordingly.

Here, a lowly corporal holds the Regimental standard after the young officer was killed... He is also seen firing one of the officer’s pistols.


NA437 “Kneeling to Repel”

A ‘classic’ infantry position formed up in the front rank of any ‘British Square’.


NA438 “Engage the Enemy”

Fix bayonets and ready to offer ‘cold steel’ to the approaching Frenchies!


NA-S08 “The Redcoat Value-Added Set”

Combine ALL-FIVE Redcoats and we will make you an offer you can’t refuse...

AVAILABLE: Early-Mid June



Just 21 years after Waterloo another battle was fought a continent away and on a much smaller scale... The Last Stand at The Alamo...

Although dwarfed in numbers by the huge struggle at Waterloo the 13-day siege of the old Spanish mission in San Antonio, Texas has gone down in American history as the event that sparked the blaze that led to Texas independence.

Here are 5 more defenders...  ALL proud Tennesseans who fought and died there.


RTA111 “Samuel B. Blair”


RTA118 “Squire Daymon”


RTA119 “Burke Trammel”


RTA121 “Andrew M. Nelson”


RTA122 “Joshua Smith”




E.     Another transcontinental and historical leap from Texas in March 1836 to somewhere in Western Europe in late Autumn 1944.


WS351 “Panther Ausf. G.”

This is the 9th Panther K&C has produced and the first one since 2014...

This latest Panther Ausf. G is painted in the colour scheme known as ‘Hinterhalt-Tarnung’ or ‘Ambush’ camouflage specifically designed to help conceal combat vehicles under trees and other kinds of foliage.

This particular colour scheme came about from the actual battlefield experience learned from the Normandy campaign where German vehicles and tanks suffered disastrous losses from Allied fighter bomber attacks.

That necessitated a new, improved camouflage of contrasting spots and colours that simulated the shadows and shards of light passing through and under a canopy of trees and woodland.

Together with the very-recently released TIGER this new PANTHER makes a welcome addition to King & Country’s ‘BIG CAT’ Collection.

The model includes the tank commander figure and is representative of a Panther of the 2nd SS Panzer Regiment of the 2nd SS Panzer Division “Das Reich”.


WS353 “Sky-Watching Panzer Crewman”

A Sitting German ‘tanker’ scans the skies for any sign of Allied fighter-bombers.


WS354 “Relaxing Panzer Crewmen”

Two sitting German ‘tankers’ enjoy a rare break from battle... Both figures can ‘perch’ on various German tanks and self-propelled guns including both new Tiger and Panther models.

AVAILABLE: Mid to Late June



BBG100   Winter Fallschirmjager

BBG106   Fallschirmjager Radio Operator

BBG107   Fallschirmjager Sniper

BBG108   Over there, Fallschirmjager

BBG109   Falling Back, Fallschirmjager

DD200    Knife To The Neck

MG058    British Paras

NA302    Mtd. Hussar w/Carbine

NA329    Artillery Officer

NA330    Drummer

NA331    Gunners Set#1

NA332    Gunners Set#2

NA333    Armed Gunners

NA334    Line Officer w/Telescope

NA335    Gunner w/Server’s Pouch

NA336    The Gribeauval 12-pounder Cannon

NA337    Gunner w/Rammer


And that my friends is June for you... In a few days my wife Liza and myself are off to Europe for a friend’s daughter’s wedding and a special K&C Event in Paris, thanks to our good friends at Figurines & Collections on Thursday 13 June.

So, very best wishes to all and looking forward to seeing some of you in Paris.


Happy collecting,

Andy C. Neilson

Co-founder & Creative Director

King & Country Ltd.