WELCOME TO DECEMBER and one of my favourite months… Why is that you might ask?

Well, we’ve got K&C UK’s London Show on Saturday 4th. This is a huge event (or at least it’s grown into that) since the Neville Clan took it over and reshaped and rebuilt it into Europe’s biggest and best toy soldier event! Both Helen (K&C’s MD) and yours truly will get to meet lots of K&C collectors there and buy a few bits ‘n’ bobs for my own collection.

The next day, Sunday 5th, it’s onto EUROSTAR and off to Paris and then Milan for two more “Meet ‘n’ Greets”. But before all that… there’s all of this…




Our second release of Australian Light Horse and Turkish defenders of the little Palestinian town.  We previewed these a few months ago in Australia and at the recent Chicago Show to great acclaim… I hope you like ‘em too!


AL014 “Leaping Lighthorseman


AL015 “Turkish 77mm Artillery Set”


AL016 “Firing Rifle Lighthorseman


AL017 “The Rescue”


AL018 “Kneeling Firing Rifle”


AL019 “Turkish Officer w/ Flag”


AL020 “Fighting Duo”


AL026 “Aussie Flagbearer”… carrying the modern Australian national flag.




Display pieces really can turn any group of figures into a dynamic diorama… and K&C’s Desert Village accessories do just that…


SP044 “Temple/Mosque Minaret”

This beautiful little two-piece structure can sit atop one corner of our earlier released “Temple/Mosque” building (SP043)… Minarets are a particular feature of Middle Eastern architecture and just provide an additional touch of artistic (and historic) realism.


SP046Desert Village Square

Is exactly what is says it is… a raised stone area useful for creating a market place or as a base for some of our other Desert Village buildings… especially the Temple/Mosque (SP043).


SP045 “The Boulangerie

This is the first of an ongoing series of typical French buildings of the 18th.,19th.and early 20th.Centuries.

This new version of an older, smaller design has been completely resculpted with added detail and is a much more realistic size to fit our 1:30 scale figures. Plus it’s fully painted!

This is a replica of a French Corner Shop, in this case a Boulangerie” (Bakers Shop) on the ground floor and a shell damaged dwelling on the upper storey.





Recent years have seen a great many versions of the mighty 88mm Flak and Artillery Gun by many different manufacturers (including K&C).

This version however has, I believe, never been produced in 1:30 scale by anyone… until now!


BBG035 “The Flak’41 88mm Gun”

This artillery piece boasted a lower profile and a higher rate of fire than its famous predecessor. Our K&C model is dismounted on its four spars ready to go into battle. By the time this weapon came into action late in the war its primary use had altered from the “anti aircraft “Flak” role” to the “anti tank” role.

Just 550 of these heavy artillery pieces were manufactured before the end of hostilities. And that’s exactly how many K&C are producing as well... just 550!

Each specially-packaged model comes with a seated gunner and is in late war splinter camouflage style. The gun-barrel is in the “fixed-firing” position.


Five additional crew figures are also available…

BBG036 “Gun Commander”


BBG038 “Crew Set#1”

One standing “Shell Loader” and a standing gunner.


BBG046 “Crew Set#2”

One kneeling “Shell Handler” and another gunner.

Together this new Flak ’41 and its crew make a fine “stand-alone” centre piece for any collection.





WS179 “Tiger Tank Guards”

Two winter-clad panzer figures dismounted and armed with MP40 Schmeisser Machine Pistols.




2.      “HAPPY NEW YEAR and WELCOME TO 2011!”


To begin the New Year we can think of no better way than introducing our latest K&C Warbird… the revolutionary Messerschmitt 262, the world’s first jet-powered fighter aircraft. Plus, we thought we’d add some extra Luftwaffe pilot and ground crew figures…


LW036 “Adolph Galland’s Me.262”

In March 1945 General Der Jagdflieger Adolph Galland was tasked to form a brand-new fighter unit, JV44 that would fly the Me262. Originally conceived as a “pure fighter” the design and concept had been altered by Hitler himself to become a “fighter/bomber”… Ace pilots like Galland (104 “kills”) were aghast but had no choice in the matter… They were expected to be able to take on the British, American and Russians as “fighters” one day and “fighter bombers” the next.

Our model shows Galland in “White Three” with two 500kg.bombs slung under the forward fuselage.

This is the biggest and heaviest Warbird yet! Just 600 are being produced.


LW037 “Luftwaffe Ground Crew”

Three very useful Luftwaffe support staff that can be used to perform a wide variety of different airfield tasks.


In addition we have six more Me 262 pilots some of whom had very distinguished flying careers…


LW038 Major Rudolf “Rudi” Sinner

“Rudi” Sinner originally flew with Marseille in North Africa and achieved 39 confirmed victories, including two flying the Me.262.


LW039 “Coffee Break”

Two more enjoy some ersatz coffee… after a mission… Oberfeldwebel Heinz Arnold (42 “kills”) and Unteroffizier Edouard Schallmoser who gained a dubious reputation as a Rammjager for his dangerous habit of deliberately ramming enemy aircraft… with his own. He did not survive the war.


LW040 Hauptmann Anton “Toni” Hackl

“Toni” Hackl is on telephone duty waiting for the call to “scramble”. Hackl is credited with 192 enemy aircraft and was himself shot down 8 times.


LW041“A” Major Walter “Nowi” Novotny

Nowi Novotny was one of Germany’s top air aces with a staggering 258 “kills” to his credit. At the end of the war he also commanded his own 262 squadron.


LW041“B” Major Heinz Bar

Earlier in mid 2010 K&C featured Heinz Bar flying his Focke Wulf 190. This new seated figures shows him relaxing prior to a combat mission. Of his wartime “tally” of 220 “kills” Heinz Bar shot down 16 while flying a 262.


LW042Galland’s Crew Chief”

Leaning over the cockpit of the 262 is Galland’s personal crew chief making sure everything… and everyone is ready to fly.





Well it’s been some time since our last 8th. Army figures and fighting vehicles were released so… let’s stop the drought!


EA043 “The M3 Grant Crusier Tank”

After Dunkirk in 1940 the British Army lost virtually all of its tanks in France… what few that were left were sent out to the Middle East where by 1941 they were easily outclassed, outgunned and outfought by Rommel’s Panzers. Help however was on the way in the shape of the American designed M3 tank.

Britain ordered over 2,000 of these tanks armed with both a 75mm main gun (on a side sponson) and a 37mm gun in the top turret.

The British redesigned the top turret to accommodate a radio and reduce one crew member and christened their       M3 the “Grant”.

The Americans preferred the original design and named theirs the “Lee”.

Our new model is in the distinctive British camouflage pattern of sand and olive drab with black and white delineation lines. Two crew figures can be seen and this “Grant” belongs to the famous 7 th. Armoured Division… “The Desert Rats”.


EA045 “New Desert Monty”

In mid 1942 the demoralized, dejected and sometimes defeated 8th.Army needed a new leader who could rebuild the army, revitalize its officers and men and restore its ability to… win!

Lt. General Bernard Law Montgomery was the man to do the job. Here we see “Monty” not long after his arrival in Cairo… looking both smart and confident and ready for the task!

The 8th. Army… an army of many nationalities and backgrounds that had to be forged by battle into one war-winning formation.

Among the men of the 8th. Army could be found units of the Fighting Free French under General de Gaulle. None were more famous than the Legion Etrangere (the Foreign Legion) K&C introduces a small group of Legionnaires in action.


EA050 “Legion Sergeant w/Tommy Gun”

Leading his men forward this veteran NCO is armed with aChicago Piano” or, to be more precise, the Thompson Sub-Machine Gun.


EA051 “Legionnaire Advancing w/ Rifle”


EA052 “Legionnaire Running w/ Rifle”


EA053 “Legionnaire Kneeling firing”


EA054 “Legionnaire Standing firing”


EA055 “Legionnaire Lying firing Machine Gun”


Special Note: All our Legionnaires are wearing a mix of British uniforms and French equipment and weaponry and, of course, the famous white kepi.


Extra Special Note: Look out for more Legionnaires in February along with a famous general!




C. “Streets of Berlin

Throughout the “turbulent Twenties” and even into the “Thirties” the brown-shirted SA (or Sturmabteilung) were the most visible “street presence” of the Nazis. Loud, boisterous and sometimes out-of-control they could be seen all over Germany’s cities, towns and even villages campaigning or even threatening on behalf of their Fuhrer Adolf Hitler.

These new figures show the SA as most ordinary Germans saw them…


LAH133 “The Bill Posters”

Three Nazi brownshirts taking a break from sticking their posters up all over town.


LAH134 “Nazi Billboard”

A portable street hoarding displaying three different Nazi posters. Goes very well with set LAH133.


LAH135 “SA Leader”

Looking satisfied with his “boys” work this SA officer looks on.


LAH136 “SA Flagbearer


LAH137 “Drunk & Disorderly”

The enemies of the SA often described the Sturmabteilung as a “drunken rabble”… These three SA men are living up to that reputation!


LAH138 “Dietrich on Parade”

Sepp Dietrich in a new “parade” pose.


LAH147 “Street Poster Drum”

These tall “street decorations” were utilized as the perfect spot to stick a poster on.


LAH148 “SA Bugler”

To draw attention to their street activities the SA would often be accompanied by one or more of their musicians to announce their presence to everyone!





Just a few items this month…

a) Afrika Korps

AK030-01 “Panzer III”

b) American Civil War

CW043 “Mount-Up”

CW044 “Prepare to Mount”

c) Remember The Alamo

RTA002 Mexican Presidial Bugler



And that my friends is that… at least for another 30 days or so.

In the meantime have a wonderful, peaceful Christmas and a happy New Year… We look forward to all the challenges and opportunities of the coming year and thank you sincerely for your continued support. It’s always appreciated!

With very best wishes,

Andy C. Neilson

Co-founder & Creative Director

King & Country