APRIL 2010


Well March is over and April is upon us… But what a March! Very special thank you’s and greetings go out to the many, many K&C collectors we met on our recent U.S. sojourn… and also to all the great K&C dealers who put on special “meet ‘n’ greet” events… Matt at Hobby Bunker… Tony at the Toy Soldier Gallery and Joan, Martin, Adam and Ruth at Kings X.

Not to be outdone or forgotten… Louis, Larry, Hans and Mark who put together a great “Symposium”… as usual. Muchos Gracias.

Finally, a special word of gratitude to two terrific guys… Craig and Woody of California’s Old Toy Soldier Shop in Vista California… Craig and Woody have now been running the “West Coaster” for several years now and it just gets better and better. That’s what took us over to the States every March. Back then it was just for a week… Now it’s almost an entire month! Pretty soon you won’t be able to get rid of us!!!

A heartfelt thanks to each and everyone of you…


1.      “Now… What’s New In April?”

A. Well, we’re definitely back somewhere on the Eastern Front… on anti-partisan patrol against all kinds of elusive enemies… Could be the Ukraine, or Belorussia or even Yugoslavia


WS134 “Panzer III Tank”

One of the workhorses of the German armoured divisions… This medium tank is in typical mid-war camouflage and comes with a vehicle commander in the turret hatch.


WS142 “Cossack Feldgendarmerie with Prisoner”

A dismounted Cossack field policeman with an unfortunate Partisan suspect.


WS143 “Mounted Cossack Officer”

Wearing the traditional Cossack costume (with German badges) this officer, sabre in hand, is issuing orders.


WS144 “Cossack Scout”

Scanning the horizon for enemy activity.


WS145 “Cossack holding Rifle”

Looking to the right this Cossack, rifle held steady, is on patrol.


WS146 “Cossack holding Rifle”

Looking to the left and with his rifle across the front of his saddle this is another member of the patrol.


WS147 “Standing Cossack and Horse”

This young Cossack cavalryman is awaiting inspection.


WS148 “Cossack Pointing”

Another member of the patrol indicating while making his report.


WS149 “Dismounted Cossack NCO”


WS150 “General Helmuth Von Pannwitz

This German cavalry officer was the commander of the Cossack Cavalry Corps. Extremely popular with his men he often wore full Cossack uniform.

After the war he chose to remain with his men when they were handed over to the Russians. He suffered a similar fate to most of his men… he was executed by the Soviets in 1947.




B. “Remember the Alamo!”

With one of K&C’s two flagship stores in San Antonio, just a few yards from the legendary chapel, how could we ever forget it!!!

Here’s our latest offerings… Three brand-new renderings of the three most famous Alamo defenders—Crockett… Travis and Bowie.


RTA048 “Fighting Jim Bowie”


RTA049 “Buckskin Davy Crockett”


RTA050 “Gallant Colonel Travis”


These new pieces replace the earlier versions of our heroes. (Now retired)


Opposing these three heroic defenders of the doomed mission are FOUR dramatic mounted figures of Mexican Dragoons of Santa Anna’s “Dolores Regiment of Cavalry”.


RTA051 “Officer charging w/sword”


RTA052 “Dragoon w/lance forward”


RTA053 “Dragoon w/lance thrusting down”


RTA054 “Dragoon w/lance held up”




C. “Market Garden Reinforcements”

After a long delay they’re almost here… Our eagerly-awaited para reinforcements.


MG028 “The Big Jump”

For the very first time… two of our British Paras (both different) jumping into the hell that was Arnhem. Like their U.S. airborne comrades these Brits descend on fully deployed ‘chutes ready for anything…


MG029 “Radio Jeep”

Jeeps were essential to these airborne soldiers and so were radios… Fortunately the jeeps worked… unfortunately the radios did not! However, it’s all part of the ARNHEM story. Here an officer (with Sten gun ready) and his driver ferry their radio operator around the drop zone trying to get a better signal!


MG030 “Army Photographic Unit Cameraman”

Sgt. Dennis Smith kneels down to film some of the action during the doomed battle.


MG031 “Mortar Team”

One of the iconic images of the battle were the photos of a lone British Mortar Team in action with their 81mm mortar. This is our tribute to them.


MG032 “Captured!”

Sadly all too many of the British 1st. Airborne Division at Arnhem ended up killed, wounded or captured.

Here, a casually smoking SS Panzer Grenadier guards two Paras… one seriously wounded. A poignant little set.


Look out for more Paras later!





From airborne landings to seaborne invasions is not such a big jump. Here’s a little something in the preparation stage.


A. “D. Day Minus One”

The day before the “Day of Days”… All over Southern England at docksides… on airfields… in hundreds of Army camps the soldiers, sailors and airmen of the Allied Expeditionary Force wait for the order… “Let’s Go!”


DD126 “D. Day Minus One”

Three US Army “Rangers” stand on a cold, wet English dockside waiting to board their Landing craft that will ferry them to France


DD127 “Standing Ranger”

His rifle resting at his feet another Ranger contemplates the coming battle.


DD128 “Standing B.A.R. Gunner”

One more Ranger holding his B.A.R. machine gun.


DD129 “Medic”

Holding his folded stretcher this Medic prepares to board.


DD132US Beachmaster Set”

A 2-man US Navy team test out their equipment.


DD133 “Marching Ranger”

Rifle slung over his shoulder this GI heads for the landing craft.


DD134 “Marching Ranger Officer”

This officer is leading his troops into position.


Not only were American getting ready for the big invasion so were their British Allies…


DD135Sherman Firefly”

Another long-awaited and much-requested piece of Armourthe Sherman Firefly… A unique blend of American know-how and British ingenuity. The war-winning Sherman mounting the proven 17-pounder gun… At last an Allied tank that could take on (and destroy) all those Tigers and Panthers!

Our model is in the markings of “B” Squadron of the 2nd. Armoured Battalion of the Irish Guards, part of the famous Guards Armoured Division.

This K&C Firefly comes with two crew figures and a detachable radio Antenna and “back-pack” of extra supplies.


DD136 “Dismounted British Tank Crewmen”

Three superb “portraits” of typical British tankies… goes great alongside the Firefly.




B. “Fighting Johnny Turk”

As part of K&C’s “First World War in The Desert” we’re proud to announce our first Turkish soldiers… Six individual infantrymen in a variety of fighting poses… These are just the first “installment” of a major “push” into the Desert campaigns of the 14/18 War. Even more figures including artillery, more infantry and military personalities will be released later this year…


AL008 “Turkish Soldier Standing Firing”


AL009 “Turkish Soldier Kneeling Firing”


AL010 “Turkish Soldier Kneeling Loading”


AL011 “Turkish Soldier Standing Ready”


AL012 “Turkish Machine Gunner”


AL013 “Standing Ready”




C. “Royal Horse Artillery… in action!”

For our K&C Napoleonic collectors… a little “add-on” to their British “gun-line”


NA200 “RHA Officer Shouting Orders”


NA201 “RHA Gun Set in Action”

Three gunners ready their field piece for immediate action.


AVAILABILITY:   Mid to Late May


D. “From Waterloo to… Hong Kong!”

With one mighty leap we jump forward almost a century and… half a world away with our latest “Streets of Old Hong Kong release.


HK176 “18 Ship Street”

A faithful reproduction (in miniature) of one of the few genuinely old-type “shop-houses” which used to be a familiar sight all over colonial Hong Kong.

Fortunately for us the real 18 Ship Street has been preserved and can still be seen today.



134mm (width) x 300mm (height) x 103mm (depth)





Earlier in this release we introduced our latest American and British WW2 forces. Now, it’s only fair we show you the “opposition”


WS140 “Collaboration”

A young Wehrmacht soldier “chats-up” a pretty French girl in this unusual little two-figure set.


WS141 “Street Patrol”

Three Wehrmacht soldiers go about their business somewhere in an occupied country.


WS151 “TIGER 1”

K&C’s latest and (we think) best “homage” to Germany’s most famous tank of WWII… The Tiger.

This newest version of the beast is in the markings of the 2nd. SS Division “Das Reich” as it appeared during the epic battle of KURSK in 1943… The two colour camouflage is typical of this period and the vehicle comes with two crew figures and a weathered battlefield finish.


WS153 “Additional German Tankers”

Two Army tank crew complete with jerricans full of fuel and water.


WS154 “Major Hermann von Oppeln- Bronikowski

This titled nobleman had a fine wartime record as both a superb field commander and a tank ace.


WS155 “Standing Tank Officer”

Wearing the distinctive all-black tank uniform this officer is assessing the situation.


WS156 “Panzer Crewman at ease”

Dressed for an inspection or parade this tanker carries the standard German infantry rifle.


WS157 “Panzer Crewman on Guard”


WS158 “Panzer Crewman Marching


WS159 “Panzer Feldgendarme”

Like all German military units even the Panzer Korps had their own “Field Police”. This one carries the MP40 Machine Pistol… better known as the Schmeisser.


WS160 “Panzer Tank Ace”

The Germans produced many decorated and skilled tank “aces”. This confident officer is wearing Italian camouflage trousers with his black uniform jacket.


Please Note: All of our Waffen SS tank crew figures are wearing the “Das Reich” cuff title.


AVAILABILITY:   End of May/Early June



Well, not an awful lot this month…

So, if there’s something you like… grab it while you can!

A. “American Civil War”

CW013 “Mounted Confederate Officer”

CW017 “marching Confederate Rifleman w/pipe in hand”

CW020 “Running Confederate Rifleman”


B. “Fields of Battle

FoB038Stug III (Battle of France)”

A great little vignette and at a terrific price… outstanding value!


C. Battle of the Bulge”

BBA026 “Wounded” Sherman


D. “Eighth Army”

EA024 “LRDG 30cwt. Chevrolet Camouflaged”




And that’s the story so far… hope, as usual, there’s something that you will like!

Best personal wishes!

Andy C. Neilson

Co-founder & Creative Director

King & Country